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. 2020 Feb 18;11:27. doi: 10.1186/s13244-019-0834-3

Fig. 10.

Fig. 10

Benign non-neoplastic breast lesions. ac Fat necrosis and periductal mastitis. Mammography of a 44-year-old man with the complaint of left retroareolar pain shows circumscribed retroareolar lesion with high density (red arrow, a). Well-defined, round hypoechoic lesion with internal and peripheral vascularity is seen in US (b, c). Biopsy reveals the diagnosis. d, e Subareolar abscess secondary to ruptured folliculitis. Mammography of 64-year-old man with retroareolar mass and skin erythema shows subareolar lesion with spicular margins and high density (blue arrow, d). US for exclusion of malignancy reveals heterogeneous, hypoechoic mass which has cystic component with internal echogenities and irregular walls (blue arrow, e). Increased vascularity in surrounding tissues is also present (not shown). Pathologic examination of mastectomy material reveals the diagnosis. f, g Mondor’s disease. US and Doppler US examinations of 32-year-old patient with localized right breast pain show “beaded tubular vascular structure with irregular walls and minimally increased peripheral echogenicity, without apparent blood flow” at the symptomatic area (yellow arrows, f). h Duct hyperplasia. Retroareolar well-defined hypoechoic lesion is shown in a 41-year-old man with nipple discharge (green arrows). i Two small intramammary lymph nodes with circumscribed margin and round shape are shown (orange arrows). j Breast tomosynthesis of another patient reveals gynecomastia accompanied by intramammarian lymph node with round shape and radiolucent fatty hilus (orange arrow)