(A) Validation of RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) data by quantitative reverse transcription-PCR (RT-qPCR). Eleven genes were randomly selected for the validation. (B) The volcano plot showing the upregulated (red points) and downregulated (green points) differential expression genes (DEGs) between CK and NTP-induced VBNC Staphylococcus aureus groups. FDR, false-discovery rate; FC, fold change. (C) The percentages for the DEGs in metabolism, environmental information processing and genetic information processing KEGG pathways of NTP-induced VBNC S. aureus. (D) The number of the upregulated (red bar) and downregulated (green bar) DEGs in metabolism, environmental information processing, and genetic information processing KEGG pathways of NTP-induced VBNC S. aureus.