Figure 7.
The effect of [U-13C6]glucose concentrations and perfusion durations on 13C-labeling and concentration of myocardial tissue metabolites relevant to the glycolysis including precursors for the HBP. A, G6P M+6 MPE. B, G6P tissue levels (ratio to [13C2]UDP-GlcNAc external standard). C, F6P M+6 MPE. D, F6P tissue levels (ratio to [13C2]UDP-GlcNAc external standard). D, F1,6dP M+6 MPE. E, F1,6dP tissue levels (ratio to [13C2]UDP-GlcNAc external standard). For A, C, and E, n = 5 for 5.5 mm 10-min perfusions, n = 4 for 25 mm 10-min perfusions, n = 3 for 5.5 mm 20-min perfusions, n = 5 for 25 mm 20-min perfusions, n = 3 for 5.5 mm 30-min perfusions, n = 3 for 25 mm 30-min perfusions, n = 2 for the 5.5 mm 60-min perfusions, and n = 2 for the 25 mm 60-min perfusions. For B, D, and F, the values did not change over time and are shown as combined groups with n = 13 for 5.5 mm and n = 14 for 25 mm. Horizontal bars, means ± S.E. (error bars). *, p < 0.05 between the groups at the same perfusion duration; ‡, p < 0.05 versus the immediately preceding perfusion duration for the same glucose concentration; $, p < 0.05 5.5 mm versus 25 mm.