Global fitting to a minimal scheme describing PSG:CRIPT binding. Data from binding and dissociation kinetic experiments were fitted globally with KinTek Explorer. A, the scheme shows the fitted square model with the best fit parameters and their standard errors. The amplitude factors for PSGA:D-CRIPT6 and PSGB:D-CRIPT6 were fitted to 0.9 ± 0.1 and 0.13 ± 0.03, respectively. It should be noted that the reported standard errors for all parameters are likely underestimated. We used the global fit to qualitatively test our suggested minimal model. Thus, less emphasis should be put on the estimates of the microscopic rate constants, which are, in some cases, poorly constrained. kon2 is likely overestimated because we could only use lower D-CRIPT6 concentrations in the global fit to capture the fast phase (Fig. 2). B, fit of interrupted binding stopped flow data to the minimal model in A. Five kinetic traces are shown for clarity. The residuals of the fits are shown below the curve. C, fit of the single-jump stopped-flow data to the model, with residuals shown below the curves. The fits to kinetic traces of three different concentrations of D-CRIPT6 are shown for clarity.