Overexpression of AP and localization of human PC7 with early endosomes.
A, immunofluorescence of hPC7 (red labeling) in the presence of AP proteins, on permeabilized HeLa cells. The early endosomal marker (EEA1) is labeled in green. Cell nuclei are marked by DAPI (blue labeling). The right panels were expanded 2.5-fold (notice the scale bar size) to better visualize the co-localizations (yellow). Bar = 1 μm. B, quantifications were performed using IMARIS software. Co-localization of EEA1 with WT upon overexpression of AP-1μ or AP-2μ. These results are representative of a minimum three independent experiments, and quantification represents an average of n = 15 cells. Error bars indicate averaged values ± S.D. **, p < 0.01, ns, not significant (Student's t test).