FIG 3.
Relative abundances of Synechococcus (g_Synechococcus) in the total bacterial 16S rRNA sequence data sets and the seven dominant heterotrophic bacterial taxa among the total heterotrophic bacterial sequences from the 0.22-to-3-μm and >3-μm size fractions over the cultivation experiment. g_Synechococcus, genus Synechococcus, g__Muricauda, genus Muricauda, g__Winogradskyella, genus Winogradskyella, g__SM1A02, group SM1A02 belonging to family Phycisphaeraceae, g__Oricola, genus Oricola, g__Balneola, genus Balneola, g__Halomonas, genus Halomonas, g__Pseudomonas, genus Pseudomonas. Detailed descriptions of the lifestyle strategies of the dominant bacterial populations of the coculture are provided in Text S1 in the supplemental material.