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. 2020 Jan 13;10(1):141–152. doi: 10.3233/JPD-191704

Table 2.

Neurological and Neuroimaging findings in FD+PD+ patients and their FD+PD–relatives

Mainz score Neurologic score Brain MRI/CT
Total Tinnitus Vertigo Acroparesthesias Fever pain crisis Cerebrovascular Involvement Psychiatric/psychosocial WML ischaemic lesions Small Vessel ischaemic lesions Large Vessels Haemorrhagic Lesions WML Location Ischaemic lesions Location Large Vessels Location Haemorrhagic Lesions Atrophy (ACG Scale)
Total (in MRI/CT) Ischaemic Lesions TIA/migraine Stroke Depression Fatigue level Reduced activity
P1 (Female) 35 9 0 1 3 0 5 Yes No Yes 0 0 0 Yes Yes Yes Yes Both Basal ganglia, Basal ganglia, 1
hemispheres Brain stem temporal lobe
P2 (Male) 22 5 1 0 3 0 1 Yes No No 0 0 0 Yes Yes Periventricular
and cortico-subcortical 2
P3 (Male) 22 2 1 0 0 0 1 Yes No No 0 0 0 Yes Yes Yes Subcortical in Subcortical 0
both hemispheres Frontal
Female FD+/PD– 6,0/10,0 3,0/3,0 5/10 3/12 5/10 0/15 0,0/1,0 6/9 1/14 1/14 5/10 5/10 0/15 6/7 2/11 0/13 1/12 Subcortical Basal Subcortical 0–12/1
cohort1 Frontal (2/11) ganglia (1/12) Frontal (1/12) 0–12/1
(median/IQR) Subcortical Pons (1/12) 1-0/13
(N = 15) Fronto-Parietal (1/12)
Subcortical 2-1/12
temporal (1/12)
subcortical (2/11)
semiovale (1/12)
Male FD+/PD– 6,0/12,0 1,5/1,5 3/3 0/6 1/5 0/6 0,5/1,0 3/3 0/6 0/6 0/6 0/6 0/6 3/2 1/4 0/6 0/6 Subcortical Nucleocapsular 0–4/1
cohort2 6,0/12,0 1,5/1,5 3/3 0/6 1/5 0/6 0,5/1,0 3/3 0/6 0/6 0/6 0/6 0/6 3/2 1/4 0/6 0/6 Frontal (3/2) (1/4)
(median/IQR) Subcortical 1-0/5
(N = 6) Parietal (1/4) 2-1/4

Data is presented individually for each of the three patients (P1–P3) with Parkinson’s disease (PD) and Fabry disease (FD) and collectively (median/ interquartile range (IQR)) for continuous variables and number of patients Yes/No for categorical variables) for their relatives with FD in the three pedigrees stratified by gender; 1-two females without MRI; 2-one male without MRI; ACGS, Global cortical atrophy scale; CT, computerized tomography; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; WML, white matter lesions.