Study 1 RNA quality measurements from mouse liver samples aged in formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) blocks 2 years relative to paired frozen (FR) controls. (A) RNA quality methods based on Bioanalyzer electropherogram traces: RNA integrity number (RIN). (B) Paraffin embedded RNA metric (PERM) to quantify RNA quality using a weighted area under the curve via Bioanalyzer spectropherogram output. (C) Fragment analysis (DV) to quantify the percent of RNA fragments greater than a specified value (100, 150, 200, 250, or 300 nucleotides) by Bioanalyzer smear test. (D) Ratio of similarly sized 5’ most Actb amplicon to 3’ most amplicon copies (5’-Actb/3’-Actb) as measured by digital drop PCR. Values of less than 10 indicate more intact, higher quality RNA. *** p value <0.001, paired Wilcoxon signed rank test.