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. 2019 Dec 24;2019:1694808. doi: 10.1155/2019/1694808

Table 1.

Socio-demographic and economic characteristics of pregnant women attending anti natal care at saesie tsaed emba district eastern Tigray Northern Ethiopia, 2018 (n = 345).

Demographic variables Characteristics Frequency Percentage
Age 15–19 16 4.6
20–24 117 33.9
25–29 89 25.8
30–34 61 17.7
35–39 52 15.5
>40 10 2.9
Total 345 100%

Ethnicity Tigray 336 97.4
Other 9 2.6
Total 345 100.0

Religion Orthodox 328 95.1
Muslim 14 4.1
Others 3 0.9
Total 345 100.0

Education Illiterate 97 28.1
Grade 1–4 40 11.6
Grade 5–8 59 17.1
Grade 9–10 113 32.8
Grade 11–12 6 1.7
Diploma 16 4.6
First degree 14 4.1
Total 345 100.0

Occupational status Farmer 52 15.1
Student 9 2.6
Government/private employee 96 28
Merchant/private work 45 13
House wife/unemployed 204 59.
Total 345 100.0

Monthly income <500 96 27.8
501–1000 100 29.1
1001–2000 71 20.6
2001–3000 47 13.6
>3001 birr 31 9.0
Total 345 100.0

Marital status Married 317 91.9
Single 11 3.2
Divorced 10 2.9
Others (Widowed and separated) 7 2
Total 345 100.0

Years of marriage <18 years 76 22.0
18–24 years 245 71.0
25–30 years 13 4.5
Total 334 97.4

Number of children have 1–2 140 40.6
3–5 149 43.2
>5 56 16.2
Total 345 100.0

Husband educational status Can't read and write 36 10.4
Only read and write 65 18.8
Primarily level 110 31.9
Secondary level 65 18.8
Above secondary level 40 11.6
Total 316 91.6

Husband occupation Farmer 141 40.9
Private work 66 19.1
Government employee 49 14.2
Daily labor 21 6.1
Merchant 29 8.4
Unemployed/farmer 10 2.9
Total 316 91.6

Do you have radio Yes 250 72.5
No 95 27.5
Total 345 100.0

Do you have TV Yes 130 37.7
No 215 62.3
Total 345 100.0