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. 2019 Dec 14;7(1):21–28. doi: 10.1016/j.ijnss.2019.12.007

Table 1.

Univariate comparisons of demographic characteristics [n (%)].

Variable System establishment
P System validation
P System
Lymphedema (N1 = 102) Non-lymphedema (N2 = 253) Lymphedema (N3 = 54) Non-lymphedema (N4 = 124) Establishment (N5 = 355) Validation (N6 = 178)
Age, years 0.728 0.169 0.374
 <45 11(10.8%) 35(13.8%) 7(13.0%) 18(14.5%) 46(13.0%) 25(14.0%)
 45–65 65(63.7%) 158(62.5%) 26(48.1%) 75(60.5%) 223(62.8%) 101(56.7%)
 >65 26(25.5%) 60(23.7%) 21(38.9%) 31(25.0%) 86(24.2%) 52(29.2%)
Body mass index, kg/m2 0.442 0.404 0.698
 <28 82(80.4%) 212(83.8%) 42(77.8%) 103(83.1%) 294(82.8%) 145(81.5%)
 ≥28 20(19.6%) 41(16.2%) 12(22.2%) 21(16.9%) 61(17.2%) 33(18.5%)
Average household monthly income, CNY 0.934 0.717 0.276
 <2000 3(2.9%) 9(3.6%) 4(7.4%) 6(4.8%) 12(3.4%) 10(5.6%)
 2000–5000 26(25.5%) 67(26.5%) 17(31.5%) 36(29.0%) 93(26.2%) 53(29.8%)
 >5000 73(71.6%) 177(70.0%) 33(61.1%) 82(66.1%) 250(70.4%) 115(64.6%)
Education 0.228 0.958 0.772
 Primary school 7(6.9%) 13(5.1%) 4(7.4%) 10(8.1%) 20(5.6%) 14(7.9%)
 Middle school 13(12.7%) 59(23.3%) 11(20.4%) 27(21.8%) 72(20.3%) 38(21.3%)
 Senior high school/secondary school 32(31.4%) 67(26.5%) 18(33.3%) 34(27.4%) 99(27.9%) 52(29.2%)
 Junior college 20(19.6%) 40(15.8%) 7(13.0%) 18(14.5%) 60(16.9%) 25(14.0%)
 College degree or above 30(29.4%) 74(29.2%) 14(25.9%) 35(28.2%) 104(29.3%) 49(27.5%)
Marital status 0.010 0.466 0.356
 Married 90(88.2%) 242(95.7%) 53(98.1%) 117(94.4%) 332(93.5%) 170(95.5%)
 Single/divorced/separated 12(11.8%) 11(4.3%) 1(1.9%) 7(5.6%) 23(6.5%) 8(4.5%)
Employment status 0.142 0.924 0.739
 Unemployed 71(69.6%) 195(77.1%) 40(74.1%) 91(73.4%) 266(74.9%) 131(73.6%)
 Employed 31(30.4%) 58(22.9%) 14(25.9%) 33(26.6%) 89(25.1%) 47(26.4%)
Methods of medical payment 1.000 0.554 0.207
 Medical insurance 98(96.1%) 244(96.4%) 54(100.0%) 121(97.6%) 342(96.3%) 175(98.3%)
 Self-supporting 4(3.9%) 9(3.6%) 0(0.0%) 3(2.4%) 13(3.7%) 3(1.7%)