Figure 2.
Maximum number of traveling waves, the definition of the action potential restitution function and the conduction velocity restitution function. (a) Activation map of GCaMP3-positive in SOTRs with 1TW in 1mm-ring, 2TWs in 3mm-ring, and 3TWs in 5mm-ring on day 6 (experimental data). The red arrows indicate the propagation direction of the traveling waves. (b) Maximum number of traveling waves in simulation (blue squares) and calculation (grey line). (c) Definition of action potential duration (APD) and diastolic interval (DI). (d) Curves of the action potential restitution function (red diamonds: simulation result; red line: fitting result) and the conduction velocity restitution function (blue triangles: simulation result; blue line: fitting result). (e) The derivative of the action potential restitution function (black line: calculation result; black squares: the corresponding derivative of the simulation result) and the threshold of the stable condition (red line). (f) Examples of stable and unstable traveling waves in a 9-mm diameter ring (simulation).