Fig. 5.
Yearbook Test (YBT) and Facial Identity Card Sorting Test (FICST) scores of the top performers identified independently per test. Visualized here are performance levels of individuals identified as the top performers (colored symbols) for the YBT (red circles), FICST (blue crosses), long form of the Cambridge Face Memory Test (CFMT+) (green squares), Expertise in Facial Comparison Test (EFCT) (purple triangles) and Person Identification Challenge Test (PICT) (orange asterisks), and their relative location among observations made (grey dots) for the a YBT and b FICST. High performers identified based on the CFMT+, YBT and FICST are more consistently located above the YBT and FICST median (black dashed horizontal line), thereby exhibiting better performance than individuals identified as top performers based on the EFCT and PICT