FIG 3.
The GRA44 N-terminal cleavage product is secreted. To determine the stability and localization of the GRA44 N-terminal cleavage product, we expressed an exogenous copy of GRA44 with an internal MYC epitope tag and a C-terminal HA epitope tag. (A) Schematic of the exogenous GRA44 construct MYC-TXL-HA showing the positions of the MYC and HA epitope tags relative to the two putative cleavage sites. (B) Western blot of the MYC-TXL-HA parasite line separately probed with anti-HA and anti-MYC antibodies. (C) IFA images of MYC-TXL-HA-expressing parasites probed for HA (yellow) and MYC (magenta). Bar = 2 μm.