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. 2020 Feb 5;8(3):e374–e386. doi: 10.1016/S2214-109X(20)30005-X


Comparison of Muskoka1 and Muskoka2

Muskoka1 Muskoka2
Recipient-specific and year-specific imputed percentages Not used; the same imputed percentages are applied to aid in all years and for all recipient countries Percentage of funding for HIV/AIDS, malaria, tuberculosis, and general budget support that is counted towards RMNCH estimates varies by year and recipient country
Disaggregation of estimates by beneficiary group Only aid for RMNCH estimated Aid for RMNCH disaggregated into aid for reproductive health, maternal and newborn health, and child health, which permits estimates of aid for reproductive health per woman of reproductive age, aid for maternal and newborn health per birth, and aid for child health per child
Regional and unspecified recipients Not included in aid estimates for recipient countries Recipient countries are assumed to receive funding for regional and unspecified recipients in proportion to their receipt of country-specific funding
Humanitarian funding Excluded Relevant share included
Private flows Excluded Included if reported
Treatment of disbursements from multilateral institutions Not originally included; later, purpose-code-based percentages were applied to disbursements from all multilateral institutions Revised institution-specific percentages applied to all funding from three institutions with RMNCH-specific mandates (Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, UN Population Fund, and UNICEF) and purpose-code-based percentages applied to disbursements from all other institutions
Crediting bilateral donors for core contributions to multilateral institutions Fixed percentage of core contributions to ten multilaterals included in estimates of aid from each bilateral donor Percentage of core contributions to all multilaterals included in estimates of aid from each bilateral donor, on the basis of each multilateral's annual disbursements
Communication of uncertainty None Simple, wide bounds, and disaggregated reporting

RMNCH=reproductive, maternal, newborn, and child health.