Table 7.
Percentages of correct responses of medical students to questions on knowledge regarding first aid in case of snakebite
Questiona | Number (%) |
“Is telling the victim to stay calm beneficial?” (Yes) | 180 (90) |
“Should the site of the bite be raised above the level of the person’s heart?” (No) | 93 (46.5) |
“Should local incisions or pricks/punctures be made over the bite site?” (No) | 94 (47) |
“Should the wound of bite site be rinsed (not scrubbed) with water as soon as possible?” (Yes) | 128 (64) |
“Should healthy volunteer suck the venom out of the wound?” (No) | 135 (67.5) |
“Should tight bands (tourniquets) be applied around the limb proximal to the bite site?” (No) | 54 (27) |
“Should pressure immobilization bandages be applied around the bite site?” (Yes) | 98 (49) |
“Is electric current at the site of bite useful?” (No) | 87 (43.5) |
“Is topical instillation or application of herbs beneficial?” (No) | 89 (44.5) |
“Is application of ice pack at the site of bite beneficial?” (No) | 30 (15) |
“Is application of alcohol at the site of bite beneficial?” (No) | 47 (23.5) |
“Should massage of bite wound be done?” (No) | 121 (60.5) |
“Should the snakebite patient be transported to the hospital soon after the bite?” (Yes) | 177 (88.5) |
“Can envenomation be cured by anti-venom therapy?” (Yes) | 160 (80) |
“Are all snakebites associated with envenomation?” (No) | 163 (81.5) |