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. 2007 Jul 18;2007(3):CD001153. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD001153.pub2

Kalita 2004a.

Methods RCT 
 29 patients randomised; data for 21 are reported
Participants CT‐proven ICH, within 6 days of stroke onset
Interventions A single iv infusion of 100 ml 20% mannitol (about 0.3 mg/kg) vs saline
Outcomes Improvement of GCS 
 Reduction in SPECT asymmetry 
 Case fatality at 1 month
Notes Data on case fatality for 8 missing cases may be available (missing data have been requested but not yet received from co‐author Dr Misra )
Risk of bias
Bias Authors' judgement Support for judgement
Allocation concealment? Unclear risk B ‐ Unclear