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. 2011 Sep 7;2011(9):CD000064. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD000064.pub2

McQueen 1978.

Methods Double‐blind, placebo controlled 
 Number of patients excluded after randomisation: not stated 
 Number of losses to follow‐up: not stated
Participants New Zealand 
 48 in total (sex breakdown and age not stated) 
 Time from onset of stroke to enrolment: not stated 
 Method of diagnosis: clinical diagnosis of cerebral thrombosis, lumbar puncture ?%
24 betamethasone 
 24 placebo
Interventions Betamethasone versus placebo
Interventions: betamethasone 12 mg i.m. stat, 4 mg i.m. 8 hourly for 1 day, 4 mg i.m. 8 hourly for 9 days, 4 mg i.m. 2 hourly for 2 days, 2 mg i.m. 2 hourly for 2 days: total dose: 345 mg betamethasone
Placebo: vitamin C
Duration: 14 days
Outcomes Death at 12 weeks 
 Causes of death 
 Neurological scores (not available) at 14th to 15th day and week 12
Notes Exclusions: subarachnoid haemorrhage; severe diabetes; pre‐existing steroid treatment; known peptic ulceration
Follow‐up: 12 weeks
Risk of bias
Bias Authors' judgement Support for judgement
Random sequence generation (selection bias) Unclear risk Not stated, but probably prepared by outsider to study
Allocation concealment (selection bias) Unclear risk "each centre received packages of betamethasone or identical placebo in randomised order within blocks of six. As patients were entered into the trial they were given the medication designated by the next number in the treatment block"
Blinding (performance bias and detection bias) 
 All outcomes Low risk "packages of betamethasone or identical placebo"
Incomplete outcome data (attrition bias) 
 All outcomes Unclear risk Authors do not indicate if there were any patients excluded or lost to follow‐up prior to analysis