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. 2014 Apr 14;2014(4):CD000227. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD000227.pub4

Porthouse 2005.

Study characteristics
Methods Random allocation, initially 2:1 ratio intervention to control
Remote site computer randomisation
Blinding of outcome assessors not stated
3199 of 3314 completed
Participants Multicentre general practice study, UK
3314 patients (all women), mean age 77 years, with at least 1 self‐reported risk factor for hip fracture
Inclusion criteria: low body weight (< 58 kg), personal history of fracture, maternal history of hip fracture, current smoker, poor or fair health
Disease exclusions: kidney or bladder stones, renal failure, hypercalcaemia, cognitive impairment, life expectancy < 6 months
Drug exclusions: current calcium supplementation of > 500 mg/day
Interventions 1. Calcium 1000 mg and vitamin D3 800 IU given as 2 tablets daily, nurse gave general lifestyle advice, and information leaflet on calcium and vitamin D and on falls prevention
Randomised 1321, completed 1269
2. Information leaflet on calcium and vitamin D and on falls prevention. 
Randomised 1993, completed 1930
Duration of treatment 18 to 42 months
Outcomes Measured over a median follow‐up of 25 months (range 18 to 42 months)
1. Number of persons sustaining new hip fracture
2. Number of persons sustaining new non‐vertebral fracture
3. Number of persons dying
Notes Prof DJ Torgerson provided pre‐publication report and further details 9‐16 February 2005
Risk of bias
Bias Authors' judgement Support for judgement
Random sequence generation (selection bias) Unclear risk States "randomised"
Allocation concealment (selection bias) Low risk States "randomised (stratified by practice) by computer at the York Trials Unit by an independent person with no knowledge of the participants' characteristics"