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. 2020 Feb 20;10:3071. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-59976-3

Table 1.

Clinical findings.

Animal # Weight Sex Clinical Observations GP-specific IgM GP-specific IgG Final Outcome Reference
Untreated Control 1* 5.04 kg Female Fever (6), depression (6–8), anorexia (7,8), lymphopenia (3,6), ALT +++ (6), AST +++ (6) > (8), ALP + (6), GGT + (6), CRP increase (3,6), tPA +++ (6), PAI-1 +++ (6) None None Succumbed 8 DPI 17
Untreated Control 2* 4.04 kg Female Fever (6), depression (8,9), anorexia (7–9), mild to moderate petechial rash (8,9), BUN ++ (9), CRE + (9), ALT ++ (6) +++ (9), AST +++ (6,9), ALP ++ (9), GGT +++ (9), CRP increase (9), p-selectin +++ (9), d-dimer + (9), tPA + (6) +++ (9), PAI-1 + (6) +++ (9), factor IX + (3) None None Succumbed 9 DPI 17
Untreated Control 3* 4.54 kg Female Fever (6), depression (10), anorexia (8,10), mild to moderate petechial rash (10), emesis (8), leukocytosis (6,10), granulocytosis (3,6), CRE + (10), ALT +++ (10), AST + (6) +++ (10), ALP +++ (10), GGT +++ (10), CRP increase (6,10), d-dimer ++ (6), tPA + (3) ++ (6), PAI-1 ++ (6,10) None None Succumbed 10 DPI 17
Vector Control* 4.76 kg Male Depression (12), anorexia (10–12), mild petechial rash (10–12), BUN + (12), CRE ++ (12), ALT +++ (10,12), AST +++ (10,12), ALP ++ (10,12), GGT +++ (10,12), CRP increase (10,12), d-dimer +++ (3,6,10,12), tPA ++ (10) +++ (12), sCD40L + (10), PAI-1 + (10) +++ (12), factor IX ++ (3) None None Succumbed 12 DPI 17
∆G Treated Fatal* 5.56 kg Female Fever (6), depression (10,11), anorexia (8,9,11), mild to moderate petechial rash (10), ecchymotic rash (11), leukocytosis (11), lymphopenia (6,10), granulocytosis (3,6,10,11), thrombocytopenia (10), BUN + 10) +++ (11), CRE +++ (11), ALT > (10,11), AST > (10,11), ALP ++ (10,11), GGT +++ (10,11), CRP increase (6,10,11), p-selectin + (6) ++ (3) +++ (10,11), d-dimer + (11), PSGL-1 + (3,10), tPA ++ (10) +++ (11), PAI- 1 +++ (10,11), factor IX ++ (10) None None Succumbed 11 DPI 17
∆G Survivor 1* 3.64 kg Male Granulocytosis (21), p-selectin + (3,10) ++ (6), PSGL-1 + (3,6,14,21,28), factor IX + (14) 100 (10), 200 (14), 100 (21), 100 (28) 800 (10), 3,200 (14), 3,200 (21), 6,400 (28) Survived 17
∆G Survivor 2* 3.70 kg Male CRP increase (28), p-selectin + (14) ++ (28), PSGL-1 + (6) ++ (21,28) 200 (10), 200 (14), 100 (21), 100 (28) 800 (10), 800 (14), 1600 (21), 6400 (28) Survived 17
∆G Survivor 3* 4.80 kg Female PSGL-1 + (6,10), factor IX + (6,14,21,28) ++ (10) 100 (10), 100 (14), 100 (21) 800 (10), 1,600 (14), 3,200 (21), 6,400 (28) Survived 17
∆G Survivor 4 4.06 kg Female None 100 (10), 100 (14) 3,200 (10), 3,200 (10), 6,400 (21), 6,400 (28) Survived
∆G Survivor 5 4.30 kg Female Fever (6), mild depression (8,9), mild to moderate petechial rash (8,9,10,11), lymphopenia (6), ALT + (21) +++ (10,14), AST + (14) +++ (10), ALP ++ (10), GGT + (14,21) +++ (10), CRP increase (10), tPA ++ (10), PAI-1 ++ (14) +++ (10), factor IX + (3) ++ (21) +++ (6,10,14) 1600 (10), 800 (14), 200 (21), 100 (28) 100 (6), 1,600 (10), 3,200 (14), 6,400 (21), 12,800 (28) Survived
∆G Survivor 6 4.06 kg Female Thrombocytopenia (28), p-selectin + (3) ++ (28), tPA + (28), PAI-1 +++ (28) 100 (10), 200 (14), 100 (21) 400 (10), 1,600 (14), 1,600 (21), 6,400 (28) Survived
∆G Survivor 7 4.60 kg Female Granulocytosis (6), factor IX + (3,14) 100 (10), 100 (14) 100 (6), 1,600 (10), 1,600 (14), 3,200 (21), 3,200 (28) Survived
∆G Survivor 8 4.36 kg Female d-dimer ++ (28), sCD40L ++ (10,14,21) +++ (3,6,28), factor IX + (3,6,21,28) 100 (10), 100 (14) 100 (6), 1,600 (10), 1,600 (14), 1,600 (21), 3,200 (28) Survived
N2 Treated Fatal 5.10 kg Male Depression (12,13,14), anorexia (12), mild to moderate petechial rash (13,14), mild dyspnea (14), lymphopenia (10), granulocytosis (10,14), thrombocytopenia (10,14), BUN ++ (14), CRE + (14), ALT + (10) +++ (14), AST ++ (10) +++ (14), ALP ++ (14), GGT + (14), CRP increase (10,14), p-selectin + (6), d-dimer + (6,10,14), tPA +++ (14), PAI-1 + (3) ++ (10) +++ (14), factor IX + (14) None 200 (14) Succumbed 14 DPI
N2 Survivor 1 4.28 kg Male Fever (6), CRP increase (6) 100 (6), 400 (10), 400 (14), 200 (21), 100 (28) 1,600 (10), 3,200 (14), 3,200 (21), 3,200 (28) Survived
N2 Survivor 2 4.94 kg Female ALT + (6,10,14) 100 (6), 100 (10), 100 (14) 800 (10), 800 (14), 1,600 (21), 1,600 (28) Survived
N2 Survivor 3 4.78 kg Female P-selectin +++ (10,14), d-dimer + (10,14), tPA +++ (10,14), PAI-1 +++ (10,14) 100 (6), 100 (10), 100 (14) 100 (6), 3,200 (10), 3,200 (14), 6,400 (21), 6,400 (28) Survived
N2 Survivor 4 4.22 kg Female ALT ++ (10), d-dimer + (3,6,14,21,28), PSGL-1 + (3), tPA + (3,14), sCD40L + (14) ++ (3,28), PAI-1 + (3), factor IX + (10) ++ (3,14,28) 200 (10) 800 (10), 1,600 (14), 1,600 (21), 3,200 (28) Survived

Animals were monitored daily for clinical signs. Hematological changes, serum biochemistry values, and reciprocal dilution anti-MARV-GP IgM and IgG titers were evaluated in NHP subjects at 0, 3, 6, 10, 14, 21, and terminally, or at 28 days after challenge. The DPI for each parameter is indicated in parentheses. An asterisk (*) denotes a historical sample. Fever: temperature greater than 3.0 °F above baseline or at least 1.5 °F above baseline and ≥104.0 °F. Lymphopenia and thrombocytopenia: ≥35% drop in numbers of lymphocytes, and platelets respectively. Leukocytosis and granulocytosis: ≥ two-fold increase in leukocytes and granulocytes respectively. Crosses indicate increases in liver enzymes (ALT, AST, ALP, GGT), renal function test values (BUN, CRE), or coagulation-associated analytes (p-selectin, d-dimer, PSGL-1, tPA, sCD40L, PAI-1, factor IX): 2- to 3-fold increase, +; >3- up to 5-fold increase, ++; >5 fold increase, +++; out of range, >. CRP increase refers to samples with concentrations >10 mg/L. Abbreviations: ∆G (referring to individual monkey treated with rVSV∆G/MARV-Angola-GP); N2 (referring to individual monkey treated with rVSVN2CT1-MARV-Angola GP); BUN (blood urea nitrogen); CRE (creatinine); ALT (alanine aminotransferase); AST (aspartate aminotransferase); ALP (alkaline phosphatase); GGT (gamma-glutamyltransferase); CRP (c-reactive protein); PSGL-1 (p-selectin glycoprotein ligand-1); tPA (tissue plasminogen activator); sCD40L (soluble CD40-ligand); PAI-1 (plasminogen activator inhibitor-1); IgM (immunoglobulin M); IgG (immunoglobulin G); DPI (days post-infection).