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. 2020 Feb 20;10:3019. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-60031-4

Table 1.

Experimental Raman data/cm−1 of blue C. sapidus claw cuticle obtained with different laser lines (532, 632.8, 785, 830, 1064 nm) comparatively showed with the theoretical calculated Raman modes of ATX and ncb-ATX.

Raman experimental data/cm−1 of blue C. sapidus cuticle Calculated Raman modes/cm−1: free ATX, ncb-ATX Vibrational assignment
532  nm 632.8  nm 785  nm 830  nm 1064  nm
154 155 Calcite (T)
281 282 284 281 Calcite (L)
712 712 712 714 712 v4(CO32−) in calcite
880 875, 882 ATX δ(CH2)
892 α-chitin
953sh 953sh 953sh 955 923, 929 ATX ν(C-C) + ρ(CH2) + (CH3), α-chitin, v(PO42−)
963 963 963 963 963sh 972sh, 972sh ATX ν4(C-C) + ρ(CH2) + (CH3), α-chitin, v(PO42−)
1004 1004 1003 1004 1004 992, 997 v3 ATX, ncb-ATX ρ(C-CH3), Phe
1038 proteins (Phe)
1086 1088 1086 1087 1086 v1(CO32−) in calcite
1154 1154 1154 1154 1154 1154, 1154 ATX and ncb-ATX v2(C-C), α-chitin
1190 1190 1197 1190 1190 1186, 1189 ATX, ncb-ATX ν(C-C)
1205 1203 1206 1202 α-chitin
1234 1234 1234 1234 proteins (amide III)
1265 1264 1263 1263 1263 1262, 1269 ncb-ATX, ATX ρ(C-H), α-chitin
1301 1305 1304 1303 1314, 1307 ncb-ATX in crustacyanin
1325 α-chitin
1385 1375 1374 1375 1375 1384, 1384 ATX, α-chitin
1412 α-chitin
1444 1453 1442 1448 1444, 1425 ATX, ncb-ATX δasym(CH2,3), α-chitin
1492 1492 1492 1492 1492 absent, 1494 v1(C=C)out-of-plane in
1514 1514 1514 1514 1508, absent ATX, v1(C=C)in-plane
1517 1517sh absent, 1522 ncb-ATX v1(C=C)in-plane
1603 1604 absent, 1609 ATX, ncb-ATX v(C=C)out-of-plane + 
1621 1619 1621 Proteins (Trp, Tyr, Phe) + v(C=O),), α-chitin
1657 1655 α-chitin, proteins (amide I), α-chitin
‘— 1746 Calcite (2v2)
2117 2117 absent absent absent v2 + v4 in ATX, ncb-ATX
2158 2158 absent absent absent v2 + v3 in ATX,ncb-ATX
2308 2308 absent absent absent 2v2 in ATX, ncb-ATX
absent 2448 absent absent absent v1 + v4 in ncb-ATX
2518 absent absent absent absent v1 + v3 in ATX
absent 2646 absent absent absent v1 + v2 in ncb-ATX
2668 absent absent absent absent v1 + v2 in ATX
3028 absent absent absent absent 2v1 in ATX
2877 2878 α-chitin v(CH2,3)
2937 2934 α-chitin v(CH2,3)
2969 2965 α-chitin v(CH2,3)

Bands assignment is provided according to our computational chemistry results and literature11,12,15,17,24,33.

Abbreviations: ATX-astaxanthin, ncb-ATX - non-covalently bound astaxanthin, v = stretching, ρ = rocking, δ = bending, T, L -lattice modes in calcite, sh- shoulder.