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. 2020 Feb 20;77(4):840–856.e5. doi: 10.1016/j.molcel.2019.11.021

Rabbit polyclonal anti-Pcgf1 Scelfo et al., 2019 N/A
Rabbit polyclonal anti-Pcgf2 Scelfo et al., 2019 N/A
Rabbit polyclonal anti-Pcgf6 Scelfo et al., 2019 N/A
Rabbit polyclonal anti-Ring1b Chiacchiera et al., 2016a N/A
Mouse monoclonal anti-Vinculin Merck (Sigma Aldrich) Cat# V9131; RRID: AB_477629
Rabbit polyclonal anti-DEDAF (RYBP) Merck (Sigma Aldrich) Cat# AB3637; RRID: AB_2285466
Rabbit polyclonal anti-Cbx7 Abcam Cat# ab21873; RRID: AB_726005
Rabbit monoclonal anti-Suz12 (D39F6) Cell Signaling Technology Cat# 3737; RRID: AB_2196850
Rabbit monoclonal anti-tri-methyl-histone H3 (Lys27) (C36B11) Cell Signaling Technology Cat# 9733; RRID: AB_2616029
Rabbit monoclonal anti-ubiquityl histone H2A (Lys119) (D27C4) Cell Signaling Technology Cat# 8240; RRID: AB_10891618
Rabbit monoclonal anti-Bap1 (D7W70) Cell Signaling Technology Cat# 13271; RRID: AB_2798168
Mouse monoclonal anti-H3K27me1 Active Motif Cat# 61015; RRID: AB_2715573
Rabbit monoclonal anti-di-methyl-histone H3 (Lys27) (D18C8) Cell Signaling Technology Cat# 9728;
RRID: AB_1281338
Mouse monoclonal anti-Eed Bracken et al., 2003 N/A
Mouse monoclonal anti-Ezh2 Pasini et al., 2004 N/A
Rabbit monoclonal anti-histone H3 Abcam Cat# ab1791; RRID: AB_302613
Rabbit polyclonal anti-histone H2A (acidic patch) Merck (Sigma Aldrich) Cat# 07-146; RRID: AB_310394
Rabbit polyclonal anti-Mtf2 Proteintech Cat# 16208-1-AP; RRID: AB_2147370
Rabbit monoclonal anti-Jarid2 (D6M9X) Cell Signaling Technology Cat# 13594; RRID: AB_2798269
Goat polyclonal anti-Lamin B (M-20) Santa Cruz Biotechnology Cat# sc-6217; RRID: AB_648158
Rabbit polyclonal anti-C17orf96 (EPOP) Active Motif Cat# 61753; RRID: AB_2793758
Rabbit monoclonal anti-AEBP2 (D7C6X) Cell Signaling Technology Cat# 14129; RRID: AB_2798398
Rabbit monoclonal anti-HA (12CA5) Pasini laboratory N/A
Goat polyclonal anti-Suz12 (P-15) Santa Cruz Biotechnology Cat# sc-46264; RRID: AB_2196857
Mouse monoclonal anti-Actin (AC-40) Merck (Sigma Aldrich) Cat# A3853; RRID: AB_262137
Rabbit IgG Control Antibody Merck (Sigma Aldrich) Cat# I5006;
RRID: AB_1163659
Anti-FLAG M2 affinity gel Merck (Sigma Aldrich) Cat# A2220; RRID: AB_10063035

Bacterial and Virus Strains

One Shot™ TOP10 Chemically Competent E. coli Thermo Fisher Scientific (Invitrogen) Cat# C404010
One Shot™ Stbl3™ Chemically Competent E. coli Thermo Fisher Scientific (Invitrogen) Cat# C737303
One Shot™ BL21(DE3) Chemically Competent E. coli Thermo Fisher Scientific (Invitrogen) Cat# C600003

Chemicals, Peptides, and Recombinant Proteins

Leukemia Inhibitory Factor Pasini laboratory N/A
CHIR-99021 Aurogen Cat# S1263
PD-0325901 Aurogen Cat# S1036
Lipofectamine 2000 Transfection Reagent Thermo Fisher Scientific (Invitrogen) Cat# 11668027
IGEPAL CA-630 Merck (Sigma Aldrich) Cat# I8896
3X FLAG Peptide Merck (Millipore) Cat# F4799
Ethylene glycol-bis(succinic acid N-hydroxysuccinimide ester) Merck (Sigma Aldrich) Cat# E3257

Critical Commercial Assays

Agilent High Sensitivity DNA kit Agilent Cat# 5067-4626
QIAquick PCR purification kit Qiagen Cat# 28104
Quick-RNA™ MiniPrep extraction kit Zymo Research Cat# R1055

Deposited Data

Raw files This paper GEO: GSE134053
Mouse reference genome NCBI build 38, GRCm38 Genome Reference Consortium
Drosophila reference genome Release 6 plus ISO1 mitochondrial genome The FlyBase Consortium/Berkeley Drosophila Genome Project/Celera Genomics
Western Blot This paper

Experimental Models: Cell Lines

Mouse: Parental: ES cell line ROSA26:creERT2 RING1A-/-; RING1Bfl/fl Endoh et al., 2008 N/A Strain of origin 129P2/Ola
Mouse: ES cell line E14 Pasini laboratory N/A Strain of origin 129P2/Ola
Mouse: RING1B WT: ES cell line ROSA26:creERT2 RING1A-/-; RING1Bfl/fl; RING1B WT This paper N/A Strain of origin 129P2/Ola
Mouse: RING1B 153S: ES cell line ROSA26:creERT2 RING1A-/-; RING1Bfl/fl; RING1B I53S This paper N/A Strain of origin 129P2/Ola
Mouse: EED fl/fl clone#1: ES cell line ROSA26:creERT2 EED fl/fl This paper N/A Strain of origin 129P2/Ola
Mouse: EED fl/fl clone#4: ES cell line ROSA26:creERT2 EED fl/fl This paper N/A Strain of origin 129P2/Ola
Mouse: Parental MTF2 KO: ES cell line ROSA26:creERT2 RING1A-/-; RING1Bfl/fl; MTF2-/- This paper N/A Strain of origin 129P2/Ola
Mouse: RING1B WT MTF2 KO: ES cell line ROSA26:creERT2 RING1A-/-; RING1Bfl/fl; RING1B WT; MTF2-/- This paper N/A Strain of origin 129P2/Ola
Mouse: RING1B I53S MTF2 KO: ES cell line ROSA26:creERT2 RING1A-/-; RING1Bfl/fl; RING1B I53S; MTF2-/- This paper N/A Strain of origin 129P2/Ola
Mouse: Ezh2 KO Ezh1 KO: ES cell line EZH2-/-;EZH1-/- Lavarone et al., 2019 N/A Strain of origin 129P2/Ola
Drosophila S2 cell line ATCC ATCC CRL- 1963


gRNA targeting Mtf2 exon 4 Forward: CACCGATGGTTATATGTGATAAGTG This paper N/A
gRNA targeting Mtf2 exon 4 Reverse: AAACCACTTATCACATATAACCATC This paper N/A
gRNA targeting Mtf2 exon 15 Forward: CACCGCCTCTTCTTCTCCGCAAATG This paper N/A
gRNA targeting Mtf2 exon 15 Reverse: AAACCATTTGCGGAGAAGAAGAGGC This paper N/A

Recombinant DNA

Plasmid: pSpCas9(BB)-2A-GFP (PX458) Zhang Laboratory Addgene plasmid #48138
Plasmid: pCAG 2XFLAG-HA Pasini laboratory N/A

Software and Algorithms

Bowtie v1.2.2 Langmead et al., 2009
MACS2 v2.1.1 Zhang et al., 2008
ChIPpeakAnno v3.15 Zhu et al., 2010 Zhu et al., 2010
VennDiagram v1.6.20 Chen and Boutros, 2011
ClusterProfiler Yu and Cheng, 2019
HOMER Heinz et al., 2010
DeepTools 2.0 Ramírez et al., 2016
STAR v2.7 N/A N/A
DESeq2 v1.20 Love et al., 2014 N/A
TopHat v2.1.1 Trapnell et al., 2009
HTseq-count v0.8.0 Anders et al., 2015
MaxQuant software (version Cox and Mann, 2008