Fig. 7.
Stimuli in Experiment 2. Outcomes were three coloured shapes (top). Cues occurred either with high frequency (second row) or low frequency (bottom). Tones (in bold) were reliable, discriminative cues to the image outcomes (hc = high-checked; lc = low-checked). The same three base syllables occurred in both the high- and low-frequency sets of words; however, critically, each base syllable corresponded to a different image between the high-frequency set and the low-frequency set. For example, the syllable ‘phe’ occurs with both yellow triangle and blue square. This made the base syllables a non-discriminative cue. In order to correctly learn the correspondences, participants had to ignore the syllable and base responses on the tones. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)