Altered ciliary Tulp3 and Gpr161 in Inpp5erdg/rdg neural tubes. (A-F,H-M) Images of cilia found in the ventral-most region of E10.5 caudal (hindlimb) sections of wild-type (A-C,H-J, n=3) and Inpp5erdg/rdg (D-F,K-M, n=3) neural tubes. Insets show a single cilium digitally magnified. (A-F) Tulp3 is found in almost all cilia in the neural tube of Inpp5erdg/rdg embryos but is absent from wild-type cilia. (G) Quantification of A-F (see Materials and Methods for details). (H-M) Gpr161 is found in an increased number of cilia in the neural tube of Inpp5erdg/rdg. (N) Quantification of H-M. Bar indicates mean of biological replicates with individual data points shown, analyzed using a two-tailed unpaired t-test with Welch's correction. ***P<0.001. Scale bars: 10 µm.