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. 2020 Jan 18;9(2):e013766. doi: 10.1161/JAHA.119.013766

Table 1.

Patient Characteristics by Presence of ≥1 Medication Error

Variable No Medication Errors (n=185) ≥1 Medication Error (n=95) Total Participants (n=280) P Value
Age, y
Mean (SD) 57.9 (13.2) 60.1 (14.3) 58.7 (13.6) 0.199
<40 y, % 9.2 7.4 8.6 0.606
>60 y, % 43.8 46.3 44.6 0.687
Women, % 82.2 85.3 83.2 0.511
Body mass index, mean (SD), kg/m2 a 29.2 (6.4) 31.4 (7.4) 30.0 (6.8) 0.714
Employment status
Unemployed, % 53.0 58.9 55 0.341
Years of school, mean (SD) 5.1 (4.5) 4.6 (4.0) 4.9 (4.4) 0.359
No education, % 30.3 25.3 28.6 0.380
Household size, mean (SD) 5.3 (3.6) 5.5 (3.2) 5.4 (3.4) 0.583
Monthly income
Below poverty line, %b 46.5 50.5 47.9 0.522
Active tobacco use
Smoking cigarettes or inhaling snuff, % 9.7 7.4 8.9 0.512
Any alcohol use, % 9.7 13.7 11.1 0.318
Comorbidities (not HIV)
≥1, % 43.8 62.1 50.0 0.004
Diabetes mellitus, % 16.2 31.6 21.4 0.003
HIV status
Positive, % 14.1 13.7 13.9 0.534
CVD risk scorec
>10%, % 12.4 29.5 18.2 0.005
CVD pill burden, mean (SD)d 4.1 (3.5) 5.5 (4.0) 4.6 (3.8) 0.002
Medications named, mean, % 40.5 27.1 35.9 0.021
Health literacy test, mean, % 60.0 56.6 58.8 0.282
Suboptimal medication reconciliation, %e 18.4 31.6 22.9 0.013
No. of clinic visits
Time period: 1 y, mean (SD) 10.6 (5.3) 10.0 (4.9) 10.4 (5.2) 0.389

CVD indicates cardiovascular disease.


A total of 220 patients had height measurements to calculate body mass index. This included 73 patients (76.8%) with ≥1 medication error and 147 patients (78.5%) without medication errors.


Below poverty line: <$2/day, <600 pula/month.


World Health Organization Cardiovascular Disease Risk Score.


The number of pills prescribed daily to treat hypertension and diabetes mellitus and prevent CVD.


Patients unable to name their home medications and did not bring their home medications to the study interview.