Table 2.
Minimum requirement for equipment and consumables for quality assured Trichinella digestion testing.
Consumable supplies | Equipment |
Labelled collection trays or plastic bags for samples | Knives, scissors and forceps for cutting samples and removing non-digestible tissue |
Aluminum foil, parafilm or lids to cover the top of the glass beaker | Calibrated scale for weighing samples and/or pepsin (accurate to 0.1 g) |
Tubes or measuring cylinders (50 or 100 ml plastic or glass) | Blender with a sharp chopping blade (regularly inspected and/or exchanged). The blender bowl should be made of acid resistant material (glass or stainless steel). |
Petri dishes gridded with squares of 1 cm maximum dimension, or larval counting basin for trichinoscope (180 × 40 mm) marked off into squares | Magnetic stirrer with an adjustable heating plate |
Pipettes (1, 10 and 25 ml) | Thermometer (accurate to 0.5–1.0 °C, 1 to 100 °C) |
Tap water heated to 46 to 48 °C | Teflon-coated stir bar (5 cm long) |
Hydrochloric acid (concentrated stock such as 25% or 37%) | Glass beakers (minimum 3 L capacity) |
Pepsin powder or granular [1: 10,000 NF (US National Formulary), 1: 12,500 BP (British Pharmacopoeia), 2000 FIP (Fédération international de pharmacie)], or liquid pepsin (660 European Pharmacopoeia units/ml) | Glass or plastic funnel (approx. 15 cm or larger) |
Ethanol (70–90% ethyl alcohol) | Sieve made of brass or stainless steel, mesh size approx. 180–200 μm (approx. 10 cm or larger) |
Small vials for collection of recovered larvae | Conical glass separatory funnels (minimum 2.5 L capacity) preferably with Teflon safety plugs |
Stereo-microscope with adjustable sub-stage transmitted light source, or trichinoscope with a horizontal table, capable of minimum 10–20 X magnification. Image capture and storage capability (camera) recommended but not required to document suspect results. |