Table 4.
Summary on the outcome of the Total Led Control Sanitation (CTLS) program by Bulaya et al. (2015). (AFS: African swine fever, BL: baseline int.: intervention, m.: month(s), PCC: porcine cysticercosis, pi.: pig(s), pos.: positive).
Country/region | Year | Population | Intervention | Improvement |
Knowledge | Follow-up | Random | Control | |
PCC (serum Ag ELISA) | Sanitation practices and attitudes | ||||||||
Zambia, Katete District. | Apr.- Jun. ‘12. | 65, 865 pi. 48,417 pp. 104 pi. (pre-int.), 275 pi. (post-int.). 64 (pre-int., 19% response rate) and 89 respondents (post-int. 26% response rate) |
CLTS: construction of pit latrines. | BL: 14 pos. (13.5%) Post- int.: 45 (16.4%) pos. (p: 0.473). | - Crop season: pi. are kept more in pens. - More toilets: 43 (67.2%), pre- and 74 (83.1%) post. Intervention. - Increase of latrines presence: pre (43, 67.2%) - and post-int. (74, 83.1%) (p = 0.027). -Latrine usage: no increase: 41 (93.2%) at BL and 62(84.9%) post-int. giving a net increase of only 21 latrines (p = 0.15). This means that there has only been a 33.9% increase in toilet usage (p = 0.15). - Home slaughter: common practice - No change in selling pork with cysts pre- and post-int. (p = 0.679) - AFS: most important pig disease (p = 0.00) |
- 80% had heard about/observed PCC. | 8 m. | No, villages were chosen on certain criteria. | Yes |