Efficiency |
I learned to be more efficient in identifying relevant sources that would answer the knowledge gaps that I had. |
Self-learning Skills |
Development of skills that facilitate acquisition of evidence-based knowledge, including use of library resources, time management strategies, and efficient ways of accessing and sorting through information. These skills were developed through practice. |
Time management |
Time management is something that I have had to relearn since starting medical school and I believe this self-directed learning assignment allowed me to reflect on my improved skills. |
Skill development |
This assignment helped me learn how to streamline my search strategies to quickly find relevant peer reviewed journal articles. |
Practice |
It also helped me to practice some of the evidence-based research evaluation techniques we learned in our PPS curriculum. |
Teamwork |
I rarely get the opportunity to work in teams, so this project helped me build on my team work and leadership capabilities. |
Collaboration |
Development of teaming skills including communication, leadership, and utilization of available expertise to accomplish a common goal. |
Learning from peers |
I became aware how my research abilities were limited and asked peers how they researched to better improve my search. |
Expert consult |
At the beginning of this assignment, I felt comfortable utilizing research databases. I soon realized that I was unfamiliar with a multitude of available resources, so I consulted a medical librarian. |
Professional identity |
Self-directed learning is a method of continued learning that I will embrace as a practicing physician. |
Application |
Recognizing that the skills they’ve developed will transfer to their clinical practice. |
Knowledge Application |
It also reinforced my ability to synthesis basic science research and apply it to an understanding of aspects of disease processes. |
Experiential learning |
Learning in lecture is just absorbing the material others have prepared for us, but with this project, not only did we have to interpret the clinical scenario presented, we had to apply that to searching the current scientific evidence. |
Confidence |
This assignment made me more comfortable with a subject that I had very little confidence in. I have never taken Microbiology or Immunology before this course and having the chance to work on something that involved applying critical thinking skills and familiarizing myself with the literature in the subject was a nice break from the mundane multiple choice exams. If the course was only multiple choice exams, I don’t think I would have ever had the chance to grow confidence with this material. |
Meta-cognition |
Self-reflection on their interaction with the task that led to a new understanding of their weaknesses and abilities with respect to their research skills, addressed their confidence, and recognized their personal learning preferences. |
Enjoyment |
I enjoyed the SDL project because (it allowed me to identify my own weaknesses and address them via research. The personalization aspect was great because) I didn’t have to spend any time on things that I already knew, rather I got to focus on my own learning gaps and discuss them with a group. |
Self-assessment |
I thought I was much better at doing research than I actually was and using this assignment to practice was very helpful. |
Challenged/stretched |
This assignment pushed me to learn new and more efficient ways to access information to possibly help a patient. |