Table 1. Coding and description for study variables: Study populations, individual and state-level factors, seasonality, and health status outcomes.
Category | Variable | Coding and Description |
Study populations | Study group | [1 = transgender woman (TW), 2 = transgender man (TM), 3 = gender nonbinary (GNB), 4 = cisgender men (CM), 5 = cisgender women (CW)] Do you consider yourself to be transgender? If yes, do you consider yourself to be: male-to-female, female-to-male, or gender nonconforming? If no, BRFSS surveyor determined sex by vocal timber. |
Individual factors | ||
Personal characteristics | Age | Age, in years. Range: 18–79, ≥80 (reference:a descending from oldest to youngest in regression models) |
Race/ethnicity | 1 = White, NH; 2 = Black, NH; 3 = Hispanic; 4 = other race/ethnicity, NH (American Indian/Alaska Native; Asian only, NH; Native Hawaiian/other Pacific Islander only, non-NH; other race only, NH; or multiracial, NH) | |
Racial/ethnic minority | 1 = racial/ethnic minority, 0 = racial/ethnic majority (reference) Racial/ethnic minority = Black, NH; Hispanic; other race/ethnicity. Racial/ethnic majority = White, NH | |
Geographic classification | [0 = suppressed, 1 = not in MSA, 2 = in MSA] BRFSS used participant zip code to determine if in/out of a MSA, or BRFSS suppressed for participant confidentiality. | |
Sexual orientation | [1 = straight/heterosexual, 2 = lesbian or gay, 3 = bisexual, 4 = other, 5 = don’t know/not sure] Do you consider yourself to be: straight, lesbian or gay, bisexual, other, or don’t know/not sure? | |
Sexual minority | 1 = lesbian or gay, bisexual, other, and don’t know/not sure; 0 = heterosexual (reference) | |
Marital status | 1 = married, 2 = divorced, 3 = widowed, 4 = separated, 5 = never married, 6 = member of an unmarried couple | |
Unmarried | 1 = divorced, widowed, separated, never married, 0 = married and member of an unmarried couple (reference) | |
Socioeconomic position | Educational attainment | [1 = some high school or less, 2 = high school/GED graduate, 3 = some college, 4 = college graduate] Highest grade or year of school completed. |
High school graduate or less | 1 = high school/GED graduate or less, 0 = some college or college graduate (reference) | |
Employment status | 1 = employed for wages/self-employed, 2 = out of work, 3 = homemaker, 4 = student, 5 = retired, 6 = unable to work | |
Not working | 1 = out of work, homemaker, student, retired, unable to work; 0 = employed, (reference) | |
Annual household income | [1 = <$20K, 2 = $20K to <$50K, 3 = ≥$50K] Annual household income from all sources. | |
Low income | 1 = <$20K 0 = ≥$20k (reference) | |
Health insurance status | [1 = yes, 0 = no] Do you have any kind of health care coverage, including health insurance, prepaid plans such as HMOs, government plans such as Medicare, or Indian Health Service? | |
Uninsured | 1 = yes, 0 = no (reference) | |
State-level factor | Discriminatory laws/policiesb | [1 = yes, 0 = no (reference)] Does state have any laws or policies that harm or deliberately targets transgender people? |
Percent voting Republicanc | [Range: 27.84%–62.30%] Proportion of voters who voted for the Republican candidate in the U.S. 2012 presidential election. | |
Seasonality | Winter/Fall | [1 = yes, 0 = no (reference)] BRFSS data collection occurred during Winter/Fall (September–February). |
Health status outcomes | ||
Self-rated general health | Fair/poor health | [1 = fair or poor self-rated general health, 0 = excellent, very good, or good self-rated health] Would you say your general health is excellent, very good, good, fair, or poor? |
Health-related quality of life | Physical unhealthy days | Range: 0–30 days. Thinking about your physical health, which includes physical illness and injury, for how many days during the past 30 days was your physical health not good? |
Frequent physical unhealthy days | 1 = ≥5 physical unhealthy days during the past 30 days, 0 = 0–5 days | |
Mental unhealthy days | Range: 0–30 days. Thinking about your mental health, which includes stress, depression, and problems with emotions, for how many days during the past 30 days was your mental health not good? | |
Frequent mental unhealthy days | 1 = ≥5 mental unhealthy days during the past 30 days, 0 = 0–5 days | |
Chronic health conditionsd | ≥2 chronic health conditions | [1 = ≥2 chronic health conditions, 0 = <2 chronic health conditions] Based on the following 9 individual chronic health conditions: heart disease (heart attack/myocardial infarction, angina, or coronary health disease); kidney disease, diabetes; COPD, emphysema, or chronic bronchitis; asthma; stroke; cancer (skin and any other type of cancer); a form of arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, gout, lupus, or fibromyalgia; or a depressive disorder including depression, major depression, dysthymia, or minor depression |
Health problems or impairments | ≥ 3 health problems or impairments | [1 = ≥3 health problems or impairments, 0 = <3 health problems or impairments] Based on the following 7 individual health problems or impairments: limited in any way in any activities because of physical, mental, or emotional problems; uses special equipment (cane, a wheelchair, special bed, or special telephone);blind or have serious difficulty seeing, even with glasses; serious difficulty walking or climbing; difficulty dressing or bathing; serious difficulty concentrating, remembering, or making decisions because of a physical, mental, or emotional condition; or difficulty doing errands alone because of a physical, mental, or emotional condition |
Description of variables provided in italics. Bold items represent key study measures used in analytic models. BRFSS: Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System; COPD: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease; MSA: Metropolitan Status Area; NH: Non-Hispanic.
aReference = reference group for the logistic regression models.
bDiscriminatory laws/policies from Movement Advancement Project.
cPercentage voting Republican data from the Federal Election Commission.
dBRFSS participants are asked if a doctor, nurse, or other health professional had ever told them that they had the chronic health condition.