a Images of testes from Six6Gnrh-cre and Six6Lhrh-cre mice. Scale bar 0.5 cm. b A 10-day plugging assay of Six6flox/flox and Six6Gnrh-cre males plugging Six6flox/flox females. c Three-month fertility study evaluating the number of litters born, n=3–6. Statistical analysis by One-Way ANOVA, as compared to Six6flox/flox (Six6f/f), * p<0.001. d Estrous cycling was monitored daily for 12 days in adult females. M, Metestrus; E, estrus; P, proestrus; D, diestrus in Six6flox/flox and Six6Gnrh-cre females. Statistical analysis by Student’s t-test; *** p<0.001, n=4–6.