Fig. 4.
Comparative efficiency of Ap4A, Gp4A, Cp4A, and Up4A incorporation by E. coli RNA polymerase. (A) Absolute efficiency of Np4A incorporation. RNA was synthesized in vitro by E. coli RNA polymerase holoenzyme in the presence of a mixture of each dinucleoside tetraphosphate and ATP. The promoter sequence at positions −3, −2, and −1 of the coding strand was AAN, where N = A, G, C, or T. In each case, the product ratio (capped transcripts/uncapped transcripts) was determined by boronate gel electrophoresis and normalized to the substrate ratio (Np4A/ATP = 0.50). Each value corresponds to the mean of three technical replicates. Error bars represent 1 SD. P ≤ 0.003 for each AAPu vs. AAPy comparison involving the same Np4A, where Pu = A or G and Py = C or T. (B) Relative efficiency of Np4A incorporation. For each promoter in A, the efficiencies of Ap4A, Gp4A, Cp4A, and Up4A incorporation were normalized to the mean efficiency of all four with the same promoter. The relative efficiencies calculated in this manner can range from 0 to 4, with a relative efficiency of 1 being average for that promoter. Each value was calculated by using data from three technical replicates for each of the four Np4As and a particular promoter. Error bars correspond to a confidence level of 68.3%, equivalent to 1 SD. ***P ≤ 0.001; **P ≤ 0.01; *P ≤ 0.05. ns, not significant (P > 0.05).