Table 1:
Report shows the absence of germs in the GF mice used in the present study. The presence or absence of the germs was evaluated via PCR.
Specie’s name | Status (in feces) |
CAR bacillus | negative |
Ectromelia | negative |
EDIM | negative |
Helicobacter spp. | negative |
Helicobacter bilis | negative |
Helicobacter ganmani | negative |
Helicobacter hepaticus | negative |
Helicobacter mastomyrinus | negative |
Helicobacter rodentium | negative |
Helicobacter typhlonius | negative |
LCMV | negative |
MAV1 | negative |
MAV2 | negative |
mCMV | negative |
MHV | negative |
MNV | negative |
Mycoplasma pulmonis | negative |
MVM | negative |
MPV | negative |
Pasteurella pneumotropica biotype Jawetz | negative |
Pasteurella pneumotropica biotype Heyl | negative |
Polyoma | negative |
PVM | negative |
REO3 | negative |
Sendai | negative |
TMEV | negative |
Aspiculuris tetraptera | negative |
Syphacia muris | negative |
Syphacia obvelata | negative |
Corynebacterium bovis | negative |
Myocoptes | negative |
Radfordia/Myobia | negative |