Table 4.
LP implantation should be performed in (evidence C): • A catheterization laboratory or hybrid surgery room equipped with a high-resolution fluoroscopy system • An implanting center with experience and equipment for instant pericardiocentesis and/or surgical defect closure, fast access to a surgery department with the availability of cardiopulmonary bypass (transport time < 1 h) LP implantation should be performed by (evidence C): • An implanter with experience in venous femoral access • An implanter with experience in manipulation of sheaths in the right atrium and ventricle • An implanter certified by the manufacturer (proctoring by experienced LP implanter for the first 3 cases recommended) LP implantation should be considered to be performed in (evidence C): • An implanting center with experience in surgical and interventional device extraction • Implanting center with experience in surgical and interventional management of vascular complications |