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. 2020 Jan 31;405(1):71–80. doi: 10.1007/s00423-019-01850-6

Table 2.

Patient treatment characteristics according to sex in the ACO subgroup (UICC stages I–III, n = 116,528). All differences in relative distributions are significant according to Pearson’s chi-square test

Male Female Total
N % N % N %
Removed lymph nodes LK >0– < 12 6625 10.6 5176 9.6 11,801 10.1
LK > =12– < 24 33,392 53.4 28,819 53.4 62,211 53.4
LK > = 24 14,560 23.3 13,615 25.2 28,175 24.2
No information 7989 12.8 6352 11.8 14,341 12.3
Residual tumor stage R0 55,221 88.3 47,504 88.0 102,725 88.2
R1/2 1005 1.6 949 1.8 1954 1.7
No information 6340 10.1 5509 10.2 11,849 10.2
Lymph node ratio 0/ns 44,796 71.6 37,450 69.4 82,246 70.6
< 0.100 7071 11.3 6710 12.4 13,781 11.8
0.100–0.199 4474 7.2 4077 7.6 8551 7.3
0.200–0.399 3791 6.1 3436 6.4 7227 6.2
0.400+ 2434 3.9 2289 4.2 4723 4.1
Chemotherapy Yes 17,557 28.1 14,076 26.1 31,633 27.1
No 45,009 71.9 39,886 73.9 84,895 72.9
Mortality postoperative (30 days) No 60,675 97.0 52,483 97.3 113,158 97.1
Yes 1891 3.0 1479 2.7 3370 2.9
Mortality postoperative (90 days) No 59,442 95.0 51,468 95.4 110,910 95.2
Yes 3124 5.0 2494 4.6 5618 4.8
Total 62,566 100.0 53,962 100.0 116,528 100.0