Comparison of Film Array ME positivity rates and pathogen composition in different studies. Our study (a) is compared to the multicenter evaluation study (b) and three studies with high numbers of samples tested (c-e). Bar diagrams reflect numbers of positive (left bar) and negative (right bar) samples. Pie charts illustrate pathogen composition within positive samples. a This study analyzed n = 171 CSF specimens (of 4623 received) by Film Array ME, the overall positivity rate was 32.75% with bacteria (red) detected in 53.57% of positive samples, followed by viruses (blue) detected in 48.21% of positive samples and yeast (yellow) detected in 1.79% of positive samples. b In the multicenter evaluation study [6] n = 1560 samples were analyzed by Film Array ME and the overall positivity rate was 8.7%. Bacteria were detected in 16.2% of positive samples, viruses in 83.8% of positive samples and yeast in 3.7% of positive samples. c Tarai et al. [7] reported a positivity rate of 10.4% in n = 969 CSF samples analyzed. In their study, bacteria were detected in 37.2%, viruses in 54.46% and yeast in 6.93% of positive samples, respectively. d Radmard et al. reported a retrospective review of n = 705 CSF specimens tested with an overall positivity rate of 6.5%. In that study, bacteria were detected in 15.21%, viruses in 80.43% and yeast in 2.17% of positive samples, respectively. e In a prospective study monitoring unrestricted physician ordered testing, Naccache et al. observed an overall positivity rate of 13.43% of n = 253 samples tested, with bacterial pathogens in 26.47% and viral pathogens in 73.52%. No yeast were found in that study