Three cases with no overlap (zero correlation) between actual lesion location and cognitive localization by surgeon after reviewing available images. All 3D models have the following color scheme: kidney – light pink, actual segmented lesion – magenta, surgeon placed lesions -light blue, artery- red, vein- blue, collecting system – yellow. Case 1 is shown in the top row: (A), Sagittal Post VIBE MRI with lesion purple. (B) 3D model demonstrating the kidney in the same orientation as imaging slice, and (C) 3D model in axial orientation demonstrating that there is no overlap. Case 2 is in the middle row: (D) Coronal CT with the lesion –red arrow, (E) 3D model demonstrating the kidney in the same orientation as imaging slice, (F) 3D model in sagittal orientation demonstrating that there is no overlap. Case 3 is in the bottom row. (G) Axial Post VIBE MRI with lesion-red arrow and cysts – yellow arrows, (H) 3D model demonstrating the kidney in the same orientation as imaging slice, and (I) Posterior coronal view of 3D model demonstrating that there is no overlap.