Figure 2 |. Pausing and backtracking during RecBCD-induced DNA unwinding.
a-b, Single molecule ORBIT trajectories of processive DNA unwinding by RecBCD at 25 μM ATP showing examples of pausing and backtracking, representative of three independent biological replicates. c, ATP dependence of the pause frequency per molecule. n = 44, 76, 88, 52 and 86 trajectories, from left to right. d, ATP dependence of the duration of pauses during forward unwinding. n = 59, 57, 84, 23 and 23 pauses, from left to right. e, ATP dependence of the backtracking distance. f, ATP dependence of the duration of recovery pauses that occur immediately after a backtracking event. In e, f, n = 31, 15, 25 and 13 events, from left to right. Data are shown as mean ± s.e.m. in c, e, or median ± s.d. of median from resampling in d, f. In (f), 25 μM ATP data were statistically significantly different from 50, 75, and 300 μM ATP data (p-values: 0.03, 0.003, and 0.008; two-sided K-S test). Data recorded at 500 Hz (25–75 μM ATP) or 1 kHz (150–300 μM ATP), solution pH 8, 10% glycerol.