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. 2020 Feb 4;17(3):947. doi: 10.3390/ijerph17030947
1 “gender transformative”. ti,ab.
2 (“gender informed” or “gender integrated” or “gender responsive”). ti,ab.
3 (“sex informed” or “sex integrated” or “sex responsive”). ti,ab.
4 (“gender equalit *” or “gender equit *” or “gender inequality *” or “gender inequit *”). ti,ab.
5 (“sex equalit *” or “sex equit *” or “sex inequality *” or “sex inequit *”). ti,ab.
6 (“gender related” or “gender difference *” or “gender disparit *”). ti,ab.
7 (“sex related” or “sex difference*” or “sex disparit*”).ti,ab.
8 “gender comparison *”. ti,ab.
9 “sex comparison *”. ti,ab.
10 “compar* gender *”. ti,ab.
11 “compar * sex *”. ti,ab.
12 “gender based”.ti,ab.
13 “sex based”.ti,ab.
14 (“gender divers *” or “gender minorit *”). ti,ab.
15 “gender analys *”. ti,ab.
16 “sex analys *”. ti,ab.
17 (transgender * or “trans gender *” or LGBQT or LGBTQ or LGBT or LGB or lesbian * or gay or bisexual * or queer *). ti,ab.
18 (“transsexual *” or “trans sexual *”).ti,ab.
19 17 or 18
20 (transgender * or “trans gender *” or LGBQT or LGBTQ or LGBT or LGB or lesbian * or gay or bisexual * or queer * or “transsexual *” or “trans sexual *”). ti,ab.
21 (“non binary *” or nonbinar *). ti,ab.
22 Homosex *. ti,ab.
23 (“woman focused” or “woman focussed” or “girl focused” or “girl focussed” or “woman centred” or “girl centred” or “woman centered” or “girl centered” or “female focused” or “female focussed” or “female centred” or “female centered”). ti,ab.
24 (“man focused” or “man focussed” or “boy focused” or “boy focussed” or “man centred” or “boy centred” or “man centered” or “boy centered” or “male focused” or “male focussed” or “male centred” or “male centered”). ti,ab.
25 Transgender Persons/
26 Sexual Minorities/
27 Transsexualism/
28 Bisexuality/
29 exp Homosexuality/
30 Gender Identity/
31 (bigender * or “bi gender *”). ti,ab.
32 (“gender identit *” or “gender incongru *”). ti,ab.
33 “differently gendered”. ti,ab.
34 or/1–33 [GENDER]
35 exp Opioid-Related Disorders/
36 exp Analgesics, Opioid/
37 (opioid * or opiate *). ti,ab.
38 (fentanyl or phentanyl or Fentanest or Sublimaze or Duragesic or Durogesic or Fentora or “R 4263” or R4263). ti,ab.
39 (oxycontin or oxycodone or oxycodan or percocet or percodan). ti,ab.
40 (heroin or morphine). ti,ab.
41 or/36–40 [OPIOIDS]
42 Prescription Drug Misuse/ or Prescription Drug Overuse/
43 ((“prescription drug” or “prescription drugs” or “prescribed drug” or “prescribed drugs”) and (dependen * or misuse * or mis-use * or abuse * or overuse * or over-use * or addict *)). ti,ab.
44 exp Substance-Related Disorders/
45 (“substance disorder *” or “substance related disorder *” or “substance use disorder *” or “drug use disorder *” or “drug related disorder *”). ti,ab.
46 (“over prescription” or “over prescribed”). ti,ab.
47 Drug Overdose/ or (overdose* or over-dose *).ti,ab.
48 or/42–47
49 35 or (41 and 48)
50 exp Alcohol-Related Disorders/
51 exp Alcohol Drinking/
52 (binge drink * or underage drink * or under-age drink * or problem drink * or heavy drink * or harmful drink * or alcoholi* or inebriat * or intoxicat *). ti,ab.
53 (“alcohol dependen *” or “alcohol misuse *” or “alcohol mis-use *” or “alcohol abuse *” or “alcohol overuse *” or “alcohol over-use *” or “alcohol addict *”). ti,ab.
54 alcohol. ti,ab. and (44 or 45)
55 Alcohol Abstinence/
56 or/50–55
57 “Tobacco Use Disorder”/
58 Tobacco/
59 Nicotine/
60 exp Tobacco Products/
61 exp “Tobacco Use”/
62 ((cigar * or e-cigar * or tobacco or nicotine or smoking or vaping) and (dependenc * or misuse * or mis-use * or abuse * or overuse * or over-use * or addiction *)). ti,ab.
63 (58 or 59 or 60 or 61) and (44 or 45)
64 exp “Tobacco Use Cessation”/
65 exp “Tobacco Use Cessation Products”/
66 ((tobacco or smoking) and cessation). ti,ab.
67 or/57,62–66
68 Marijuana Abuse/
69 Cannabis/
70 Marijuana Smoking/
71 exp Cannabinoids/
72 (marijuana or marihuana or hashish or ganja or bhang or hemp or cannabis or cannabinoid * or cannabidiol or tetrahydrocannabinol). ti,ab.
73 (69 or 70 or 71 or 72) and (43 or 44 or 45)
74 or/68,73
75 or/49,56,67,74
76 Harm Reduction/
77 (“harm reduction” or “reducing harm” or “reducing harmful” or “harm minimization” or “minimizing harm” or “minimizing harmful” or “harm minimisation” or “minimising harm” or “minimising harmful”). ti,ab.
78 exp Risk Reduction Behavior/
79 (“risk reduction” or “reducing risk” or “reducing risks” or “risk minimization” or “minimizing risk” or “minimizing risks” or “risk minimisation” or “minimising risk” or “minimising risks”). ti,ab.
80 or/76–79
81 exp Health Promotion/
82 (“health promotion” or “promoting health” or “promoting healthy” or “promoting wellness” or “patient education” or “consumer education” or “client education” or outreach or “wellness program” or “wellness programs” or “wellness programme” or “wellness programmes”). ti,ab.
83 81 or 82
84 Preventive Health Services/
85 Consumer Health Information/ or Health Literacy/
86 Secondary Prevention/
87 (prevention or “preventive health” or “preventive healthcare”). ti,ab.
88 or/84-87
89 (prevention or preventive). ti,ab.
90 88 or 89
91 Rehabilitation/
92 (abstain * or abstinence or detox * or rehab * or sobriety or sober or temperance or intervention * or cessation or recovery). ti,ab.
93 Methadone/tu [Therapeutic Use]
94 “methadone maintenance”. ti,ab.
95 Opiate Substitution Treatment/
96 (“opiate substitution” or “opioid substitution” or “withdrawal management” or “managing withdrawal”). ti,ab.
97 (treatment* or treating or therapy or therapies). ti,ab.
98 Intervention *. ti,ab.
99 or/91–98
100 or/80,83,88,99
101 or/80,83,90,99
102 34 and 75 and 101
103 limit 102 to (english language and yr = “2007–2017”) [Limit not valid in Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (CDSR); records were retained]
104 (Animals/ or Animal Experimentation/ or “Models, Animal”/ or (animal * or nonhuman * or non human * or rat or rats or mouse or mice or rabbit or rabbit or pig or pigs or porcine or dog or dogs or hamster or hamsters or fish or chicken or chickens or sheep or cat or cats or raccoon or raccoons or rodent * or horse or horses or racehorse or racehorses or beagle *). ti,ab.) not (Humans/ or (human * or participant * or patient or patients or child * or seniors or adult or adults). ti,ab.)
105 103 not 104
106 (editorial or comment or letter or newspaper article). pt.
107 105 not 106
108 (conference or conference abstract or conference paper or “conference review” or congresses). pt.
109 107 not 108EBM Reviews- Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews < 2005 to 2 August 2017 >Embase < 1980 to 3 August 2017 >Ovid MEDLINE(R) Epub Ahead of Print, In-Process and Other Non-Indexed Citations, Ovid MEDLINE(R) Daily and Ovid MEDLINE(R) < 1946 to Present >EBM Reviews- Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials < July 2017 >
110 remove duplicates from 109EBM Reviews- Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews < 2005 to 2 August 2017 >Embase < 1980 to 3 August 2017 >Ovid MEDLINE(R) Epub Ahead of Print, In-Process and Other Non-Indexed Citations, Ovid MEDLINE(R) Daily and Ovid MEDLINE(R) < 1946 to Present>EBM Reviews- Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials < July 2017 >
111 110 use ppez [MEDLINE]
112 110 use emezd [EMBASE]
113 110 not (111 or 112) [selected 2 only as 13 were conference abstracts]