Table 3.
Year | Title [Reference] | Author (s) | Journal | TC |
2004 | Treating Children with Early-Onset Conduct Problems: Intervention Outcomes for Parent, Child, and Teacher Training [81] | Webster-Stratton, C., Reid, M.J., Hammond, M. | Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology | 497 |
2010 | Reducing the gender achievement gap in college science: A classroom study of values affirmation [82] | Miyake, A., Kost-Smith, L.E., Finkelstein, N.D., (...), Cohen, G.L., Ito, T.A. | Science | 288 |
2012 | Recent trends in research on teacher-child relationships [85] | Sabol, T.J., Pianta, R.C. | Attachment and Human Development | 218 |
2015 | Improvements from a flipped classroom may simply be the fruits of active learning [61] | Jensen, J.L., Kummer, T.A., Godoy, P.D.D.M. | CBE Life Sciences Education | 215 |
2010 | Real-world learning opportunities in sustainability: from classroom into the real world [8] | Brundiers, K., Wiek, A., Redman, C.L. | Int. J. Sustain. High. Educ. | 205 |
2009 | Saving time or innovating practice: Investigating perceptions and uses of Learning Management Systems [86] | Lonn, S., Teasley, S.D. | Computers and Education | 190 |
2013 | Looking at the Impact of the Flipped Classroom Model of Instruction on Undergraduate Multimedia Students at CSUN [62] | Enfield, J. | TechTrends | 176 |
2014 | Evidence for General and Domain-Specific Elements of Teacher-Child Interactions: Associations with Preschool Children’s Development [87] | Hamre, B., Hatfield, B., Pianta, R., Jamil, F. | Child Development | 167 |
2007 | Lexical bundles in university spoken and written registers [88] | Biber, D., Barbieri, F. | English for Specific Purposes | 161 |
2008 | Teachers’ views and beliefs about bullying: Influences on classroom management strategies and students’ coping with peer victimization [89] | Kochenderfer-Ladd, B., Pelletier, M.E. | Journal of School Psychology | 158 |
2004 | Constraints experienced by beginning secondary science teachers in implementing scientific inquiry lessons [90] | Roehrig, G.H., Luft, J.A. | International Journal of Science Education | 154 |
2012 | Higher education scholars’ participation and practices on Twitter [91] | Veletsianos, G. | Journal of Computer Assisted Learning | 145 |
2009 | Learning to BREATHE: A pilot trial of a mindfulness curriculum for adolescents [92] | Broderick, P.C., Metz, S. | Advances in School Mental Health Promotion | 144 |
2005 | The contribution of classroom setting and quality of instruction to children’s behavior in kindergarten classrooms [93] | Rimm-Kaufman, S.E., La Paro, K.M., Downer, J.T., Pianta, R.C. | Elementary School Journal | 143 |
2013 | Improving classroom learning environments by cultivating awareness and resilience in education (CARE): Results of a randomized controlled trial [16] | Jennings, P.A., Frank, J.L., Snowberg, K.E., Coccia, M.A., Greenberg, M.T. | School Psychology Quarterly | 136 |
2012 | The Use and Abuse of Cell Phones and Text Messaging in the Classroom: A Survey of College Students [94] | Tindell, D.R., Bohlander, R.W. | College Teaching | 122 |
2006 | Stance in spoken and written university registers [95] | Biber, D. | Journal of English for Academic Purposes | 122 |
2014 | A meta-analysis of blended learning and technology use in higher education: From the general to the applied [96] | Bernard, R.M., Borokhovski, E., Schmid, R.F., Tamim, R.M., Abrami, P.C. | Journal of Computing in Higher Education | 119 |
2005 | ‘We do not seem to have a theory … The theory I present here attempts to fill this gap’: Inclusive and exclusive pronouns in academic writing [97] | Harwood, N. | Applied Linguistics | 117 |
2004 | Increasing preservice teachers’ self-efficacy beliefs for technology integration [63] | Wang, L., Ertmer, P.A., Newby, T.J. | Journal of Research on Technology in Education | 117 |
Y: year of publication of the article; TC: total number of citations of the article.