Figure 3.
Effects of RPM-simulated microgravity on the cell cycle of Jurkat (a) and Jurkat/A4 cells (b). Cell cycle measurements were performed as described in the Materials and Methods section. Representative histograms are shown. Data are presented as a histogram, with cell number (y-axis) plotted against DNA content (x-axis). The first peak contains cells with diploid DNA in the G0/G1-phase. The cells in the second peak, with double PI-fluorescence intensity, were tetraploid in the G2-phase. The area between the two peaks represents cells in the S-phase. The number of cells gated in the G0/G1-, S-, or G2-phases is presented as a percentage of total cells (%). (c,d) Quantitative comparison of apoptosis between the static control and RPM groups of Jurkat and Jurkat/A4 cells. Percentages of populations in each cell cycle were averaged from five parallel experiments (at each time point). The results are expressed as means ± standard deviations. * p < 0.05, as compared with the static controls (n = 5).