FIG 3.
S. epidermidis infection alone did not affect the gross measurements of the brain 10 days postinfection. Mice injected with saline or S. epidermidis (SE) at PND4 were sacrificed at PND14 for analysis of the brain. (A) Means plus SD of the brain-to-body weight ratio (n = 15 or 16 mice per group from 5 litters). (B and C) Brain sections were stained for microtubule-associated protein 2 (B) or myelin basic protein (C) for gray and white matter quantification, respectively. Means plus SD of cerebral gray matter volume, regional white matter thickness or volume, and average integrated density across the striatum are presented. The data were pooled from two independent experiments with 13 mice per group. Statistical analysis employing Student's t test showed no statistical significance between saline- and S. epidermidis-treated animals.