Figure 2.
Administration of conditioned medium of human amniotic membrane-derived mesenchymal stem cell (MSC-CM; twice per day for 4 consecutive days after induction of heart failure (HF)) significantly restored cardiac function through improvement of fractional shortening (FS) and ejection fraction (EF). a) Sham group showed a normal FS and EF. b) HF group showed significant decreases in FS and EF. c) MSC-CM group indicated significant restoration of FS and EF compared to HF, HF+phosphate-buffered saline (PBS), and HF+CM. Quantitative analysis of d) EF (***P<0.001, ** P<0. 01 compared to sham; ##P<0. 01 compared to HF; HF+PBS, and HF+culture medium), and e) FS (***P<0.001, ** P<0. 01 compared to sham; ##P<0. 01 and ### P<0. 001 compared to HF; HF+PBS, and HF+culture medium)