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. 2020 Feb 24;20:71. doi: 10.1186/s12886-020-01345-9

Table 1.

Characteristics of selected studies included in systematic review and meta-analysis (N = 23)

Authors Country Age Year Study Design WHO Regiona World Bank
Per capita GDP (2017
in $)
HDI Expenditure on Health
(% of GDP)
Type of prescription Duration of Follow-up Sample size No.
Compliant (%)

Narayanan A

et al

India 13–17 years 2017

Cross Sectional


SEAR LMIC 1940 0.640 3.89 Questionnaire/ Interview based No specific type 32
2. Bhatt NK et al India 6–15 years 2017 Cross Sectional SEAR LMIC 1940 0.640 3.89 Wearing spectacles on surprise visit No specific type 3 months 200



3. Anwar I et al Pakistan 11–16 years 2017 Cross Sectional EMR LMIC 1548 0.562 2.69 Questionnaire/ Interview based Myopia, hypermetropia, astigmatism and compound 8–12 months 440



4. Kumar MR et al India 6–17 years 2017 Cross Sectional SEAR LMIC 1940 0.640 3.89 Wearing spectacles on surprise visit Children with visual acuity < 6/9 6 months 82



5. Bhandari G et al Nepal 5–16 years 2016 Cross Sectional SEAR LIC 835 0.574 6.15 Wearing spectacles on surprise visit or in bag No specific type No follow up 170



6. Sumana M et al India 9–16 years 2015 Cross sectional SEAR LMIC 1940 0.640 3.89 Wearing spectacles on surprise visit No specific type 6 months 362



7. Al Shamarti S et al Iraq Pre-school 2015 Cross Sectional EMR UMIC 5166 0.685 3.40 Questionnaire /Interview based No specific type Not mentioned 114



8. Von-Bischhoffs-hausen FB et al Chile 4–19 years 2014 Cross Sectional AMR HIC 15,346 0.843 8.07 Wearing spectacles on surprise visit Visual Acuity 20/40 in either eye, myopia 0.75 diopters (D), 1.5D of astigmatism, or hyperopia. 12 months 204



9. Pavithra MB et al India 7–15 years 2014 Cross Sectional SEAR LMIC 1940 0.640 3.89 Wearing spectacles on surprise visit Children with myopia ≥ −0.5 spherical equivalent diopters in one or both eyes, hypermetropia ≥ + 1.00 spherical equivalent diopters in one or both eyes and astigmatism ≥1.00 D 3 months 83



10. Gogate P et al India 8–16 years 2014 Cross Sectional SEAR LMIC 1940 0.640 3.89 Wearing spectacles on surprise visit followed by interview myopia ≥ −0.50D or hyperopia ≥ + 1.00D 6–12 months 1018



11. Aldebasi YH et al Saudi Arabia 7–13 years 2013 Cross Sectional EMR HIC 20,761 0.853 5.83 Wearing spectacles on surprise visit or in bag A child with myopia of more than −0.50 Dioptre (D) or hypermetropia of more than + 1.00D are prescribed spectacles 6 months 631



12. Megbelayin EO et al Nigeria 9–21 years 2013

Cross Sectional

(mixed methods)

AFR LMIC 1969 0.532 3.56 Wearing spectacles on surprise visit VA < 6/9 in at least one eye No follow up 61



13. Turcin LA et al Romania 6–11 years 2013 Cross Sectional EUR UMIC 10,814 0.811 4.95 Wearing spectacles on surprise visit or in bag Myopia (≥ − 1.00 DS in one or both eyes) Hyperopia (≥ + 1.50 DS in one or both eyes) Astigmatism (values ≥ 1.00 D) 12 months 315



14. Messer DH et al USA 8–14 years 2012

Cross Sectional

(mixed methods)

AMR HIC 59,532 0.924 16.84 Wearing spectacles on surprise visit Myopia ≥ −0.75 D, astigmatism ≥1.00 DC, and anisometropia ≥1 D and hyperopia ≥ + 2.50 D 3 months 247



15. Keay L et al China 12–15 years 2010 Cross Sectional WPR UMIC 8827 0.752 5.32 Wearing spectacles on surprise visit or in bag No specific type 1 month 415



16. Li L et al China 14–18 years 2010

Cross sectional


WPR UMIC 8827 0.752 5.32 Questionnaire/interview based No specific type 28
17. Khandekar R et al India School going 2008 Cross Sectional SEAR LMIC 1940 0.640 3.89 Questionnaire/ Interview based Myopia (> 0.75 D spherical unilateral or bilateral) 3–4 months 70



18. Congdon N et al China 11.4–17.1 years 2008 Cross Sectional WPR UMIC 8827 0.752 5.32 Questionnaire/ Interview based Uncorrected VA of 6/12 or worse and a 25% random sample of subjects with VA better than 6/12 No follow up 1892



19. Li L et al China Average 14.7 years 2008 Cross Sectional WPR UMIC 8827 0.752 5.32 Questionnaire/ Interview based All children with presenting VA 6/12 in either eye and children with spectacles improving vision to 6/12 3 months 210



20. Odedra N et al Tanzania Average 14 years 2008

Cross Sectional

(mixed methods)

AFR LIC 936 0.538 6.12 Wearing spectacles on surprise visit VA worse than 6/12 in either eye or hyperopia of 2 diopters (D) or more 3 months 108



21. Holguin AM et al Mexico 6–18 years 2006 Cross Sectional AMR UMIC 8903 0.774 5.86 Wearing spectacles on surprise visit Children with visual acuity 6/12 or less 4–18 months 493



22. Khandekar R et al Oman 6–17 years 2002 Cross Sectional EMR HIC 15,668 0.821 3.83 Wearing spectacles on surprise visit No specific group 12 months 571



23. Horwood AM et al UK



1998 Cross Sectional EUR HIC 39,720 0.922 9.88 Questionnaire/ interview based No specific group Not mentioned 113

aSEAR South East Asia Region; EMR Eastern Mediterranean Region; WPR Western pacific region; AFR African region; AMR Region of the Americas

bUMIC Upper middle income country; LMIC lower middle income country; LIC Lower income country; HIC: High income country

Empty cells depict missing information

VA Visual acuity