Table 1.
Characteristics of selected studies included in systematic review and meta-analysis (N = 23)
S. No |
Authors | Country | Age | Year | Study Design | WHO Regiona | World Bank Incomeb |
Per capita GDP (2017 in $) |
HDI | Expenditure on Health (% of GDP) |
Compliance Measure |
Type of prescription | Duration of Follow-up | Sample size | No. Compliant (%) |
1. |
Narayanan A et al |
India | 13–17 years | 2017 |
Cross Sectional (Qualitative) |
SEAR | LMIC | 1940 | 0.640 | 3.89 | Questionnaire/ Interview based | No specific type | 32 | ||
2. | Bhatt NK et al | India | 6–15 years | 2017 | Cross Sectional | SEAR | LMIC | 1940 | 0.640 | 3.89 | Wearing spectacles on surprise visit | No specific type | 3 months | 200 |
78 (39.0) |
3. | Anwar I et al | Pakistan | 11–16 years | 2017 | Cross Sectional | EMR | LMIC | 1548 | 0.562 | 2.69 | Questionnaire/ Interview based | Myopia, hypermetropia, astigmatism and compound | 8–12 months | 440 |
180 (40.9) |
4. | Kumar MR et al | India | 6–17 years | 2017 | Cross Sectional | SEAR | LMIC | 1940 | 0.640 | 3.89 | Wearing spectacles on surprise visit | Children with visual acuity < 6/9 | 6 months | 82 |
52 (63.4) |
5. | Bhandari G et al | Nepal | 5–16 years | 2016 | Cross Sectional | SEAR | LIC | 835 | 0.574 | 6.15 | Wearing spectacles on surprise visit or in bag | No specific type | No follow up | 170 |
48 (28.2) |
6. | Sumana M et al | India | 9–16 years | 2015 | Cross sectional | SEAR | LMIC | 1940 | 0.640 | 3.89 | Wearing spectacles on surprise visit | No specific type | 6 months | 362 |
139 (38.4) |
7. | Al Shamarti S et al | Iraq | Pre-school | 2015 | Cross Sectional | EMR | UMIC | 5166 | 0.685 | 3.40 | Questionnaire /Interview based | No specific type | Not mentioned | 114 |
41 (35.9) |
8. | Von-Bischhoffs-hausen FB et al | Chile | 4–19 years | 2014 | Cross Sectional | AMR | HIC | 15,346 | 0.843 | 8.07 | Wearing spectacles on surprise visit | Visual Acuity 20/40 in either eye, myopia 0.75 diopters (D), 1.5D of astigmatism, or hyperopia. | 12 months | 204 |
121 (59.3) |
9. | Pavithra MB et al | India | 7–15 years | 2014 | Cross Sectional | SEAR | LMIC | 1940 | 0.640 | 3.89 | Wearing spectacles on surprise visit | Children with myopia ≥ −0.5 spherical equivalent diopters in one or both eyes, hypermetropia ≥ + 1.00 spherical equivalent diopters in one or both eyes and astigmatism ≥1.00 D | 3 months | 83 |
48 (57.8) |
10. | Gogate P et al | India | 8–16 years | 2014 | Cross Sectional | SEAR | LMIC | 1940 | 0.640 | 3.89 | Wearing spectacles on surprise visit followed by interview | myopia ≥ −0.50D or hyperopia ≥ + 1.00D | 6–12 months | 1018 |
300 (29.4) |
11. | Aldebasi YH et al | Saudi Arabia | 7–13 years | 2013 | Cross Sectional | EMR | HIC | 20,761 | 0.853 | 5.83 | Wearing spectacles on surprise visit or in bag | A child with myopia of more than −0.50 Dioptre (D) or hypermetropia of more than + 1.00D are prescribed spectacles | 6 months | 631 |
209 (33.1) |
12. | Megbelayin EO et al | Nigeria | 9–21 years | 2013 |
Cross Sectional (mixed methods) |
AFR | LMIC | 1969 | 0.532 | 3.56 | Wearing spectacles on surprise visit | VA < 6/9 in at least one eye | No follow up | 61 |
6 (9.8) |
13. | Turcin LA et al | Romania | 6–11 years | 2013 | Cross Sectional | EUR | UMIC | 10,814 | 0.811 | 4.95 | Wearing spectacles on surprise visit or in bag | Myopia (≥ − 1.00 DS in one or both eyes) Hyperopia (≥ + 1.50 DS in one or both eyes) Astigmatism (values ≥ 1.00 D) | 12 months | 315 |
82 (26) |
14. | Messer DH et al | USA | 8–14 years | 2012 |
Cross Sectional (mixed methods) |
AMR | HIC | 59,532 | 0.924 | 16.84 | Wearing spectacles on surprise visit | Myopia ≥ −0.75 D, astigmatism ≥1.00 DC, and anisometropia ≥1 D and hyperopia ≥ + 2.50 D | 3 months | 247 |
82 (33.1) |
15. | Keay L et al | China | 12–15 years | 2010 | Cross Sectional | WPR | UMIC | 8827 | 0.752 | 5.32 | Wearing spectacles on surprise visit or in bag | No specific type | 1 month | 415 |
204 (49.1) |
16. | Li L et al | China | 14–18 years | 2010 |
Cross sectional (Qualitative) |
WPR | UMIC | 8827 | 0.752 | 5.32 | Questionnaire/interview based | No specific type | 28 | ||
17. | Khandekar R et al | India | School going | 2008 | Cross Sectional | SEAR | LMIC | 1940 | 0.640 | 3.89 | Questionnaire/ Interview based | Myopia (> 0.75 D spherical unilateral or bilateral) | 3–4 months | 70 |
55 (78.5) |
18. | Congdon N et al | China | 11.4–17.1 years | 2008 | Cross Sectional | WPR | UMIC | 8827 | 0.752 | 5.32 | Questionnaire/ Interview based | Uncorrected VA of 6/12 or worse and a 25% random sample of subjects with VA better than 6/12 | No follow up | 1892 |
713 (37.7) |
19. | Li L et al | China | Average 14.7 years | 2008 | Cross Sectional | WPR | UMIC | 8827 | 0.752 | 5.32 | Questionnaire/ Interview based | All children with presenting VA 6/12 in either eye and children with spectacles improving vision to 6/12 | 3 months | 210 |
55 (26.2) |
20. | Odedra N et al | Tanzania | Average 14 years | 2008 |
Cross Sectional (mixed methods) |
AFR | LIC | 936 | 0.538 | 6.12 | Wearing spectacles on surprise visit | VA worse than 6/12 in either eye or hyperopia of 2 diopters (D) or more | 3 months | 108 |
40 (37.0) |
21. | Holguin AM et al | Mexico | 6–18 years | 2006 | Cross Sectional | AMR | UMIC | 8903 | 0.774 | 5.86 | Wearing spectacles on surprise visit | Children with visual acuity 6/12 or less | 4–18 months | 493 |
66 (13.4) |
22. | Khandekar R et al | Oman | 6–17 years | 2002 | Cross Sectional | EMR | HIC | 15,668 | 0.821 | 3.83 | Wearing spectacles on surprise visit | No specific group | 12 months | 571 |
418 (73.2) |
23. | Horwood AM et al | UK |
1–7 years |
1998 | Cross Sectional | EUR | HIC | 39,720 | 0.922 | 9.88 | Questionnaire/ interview based | No specific group | Not mentioned | 113 |
aSEAR South East Asia Region; EMR Eastern Mediterranean Region; WPR Western pacific region; AFR African region; AMR Region of the Americas
bUMIC Upper middle income country; LMIC lower middle income country; LIC Lower income country; HIC: High income country
Empty cells depict missing information
VA Visual acuity