Figure 8:
Effect of Mfsd2a downregulation on BWC and neurologic outcome at 24 hours following SBI
Effect of Mfsd2a CRISPR KO plasmid on BWC (A), mGarcia score (B), beam balance score (C) and percentage of foot faults (D) at 24 hours following SBI. Downregulation of Mfsd2a was associated with further increased BWC in the rFPA compared to SBI and SBI + Scramble CRISPR KO groups. Consistently, icv administration of Mfsd2a KO plasmid worsened neurologic performance in mGarcia score, beam balance score, left and total foot fault counts. Data are expressed as mean ± SD. n= 6-8/group. ANOVA, Tukey. **p<0.001 compared to Sham, *p<0.05 compared to Sham, #p<0.05 compared to SBI, %p<0.05 compared to SBI + Scramble CRISPR KO.
RF: right frontal, SBI: Surgical brain injury, LF: left frontal, RP: right parietal, LP: left parietal, C: cerebellum, BS: brainstem