Figure 2.
TRIM67 localization to filopodia tips is enhanced by netrin-1. (A) Immunocytochemistry (ICC) of filamentous actin (phalloidin), β-III-tubulin, and TRIM67 in axonal growth cones of primary neurons isolated from Trim67+/+ and Trim67−/− embryonic cortices. (B) Individual data points and box plots of TRIM67 fluorescence intensity in the first 0.5 µm from the tip of the filopodium to the next 0.5 µm. Three experiments per genotype. n (filopodia) = 463 +/+, 440 −/−. (C) ICC of an axonal growth cone from a Trim67+/+ cortex treated with netrin-1. (D) Diagram showing the Airy disk of a fluorescent protein at the tip of a filopodium (green) and fluorescence of a protein along the filopodium (orange). (E) Individual data points and box-and-whisker plots of tip proximity of TRIM67 in filopodia, quantified as the fluorescence ratio of the center to the edge of the first Airy unit. Three experiments per genotype. n (filopodia) = 444 media, 535 netrin. *, P < 0.05. Data in E are presented on a logarithmic scale due to the presence of large values that obscure the population center, with an axis break to allow display of measures of 0. Box plots are minimum, Q1, Q2, Q3, maximum.