Figure 2.
SFs elongate and shorten with ciliary force. (A) Cell motility and SF length of WT cells were elevated by increasing temperature (37°C for 4 h). (B) Cell motility and SF length of the temperature-sensitive mutant strain, outer arm deficient 1 (oad1), were reduced at restrictive temperature (37°C for 4 h; Attwell et al., 1992). BB, red; SF, green. All insets show a representative BB and SF. SF length quantitation: n = 300 SFs (30 cells); motility assay, 90 cells. Mann-Whitney test. * denotes P value <0.01. Mean ± SD. Scale bars, 10 µm (cell), 1.3 µm (inset width), 100 µm (swim paths). (C) Schematic illustrating SF length response to varying levels of ciliary force. BB-associated microtubule appendages are not shown.