Socio-economic |
Farming experience |
Number of years the farm family is engaged in crop cultivation; measured in years; |
Ethnic origin |
The ethnic identity of the farm household as per the stipulation of Government of India; Categorised as–Non-tribe– 1 and Scheduled Tribe– 2 |
Socio-Economic Status Class |
Measured by modified Kuppuswamy’s socio-economic scale (Kumar et al., 2012) |
Household size |
Number of members in a farm family who share food from a single source; Absolute number of members in a family |
Members of the family working in own farm |
Number of members in a farm family who work within the farm completely or partially for sustaining livelihood |
Non-farm income |
Income (Indian Rupees) of the farm family in a year from non-farm sources |
Wage earning |
Whether the farm family earns a wage from working in others’ farms; Yes = 1; Otherwise = 0 |
Ownership of cultivable land |
Whether the farm family has own land, which is lawfully recorded; Yes = 1; Otherwise = 0 |
Farm size |
Size of the homestead and owned cultivable land (ha) recorded lawfully |
Topography of land |
Whether the land is ‘level’ or ‘undulated’ as perceived by the respondent; Level-1, Undulated = 0 |
Management Factors |
Leguminous crop in the cropping sequence |
Whether at least one leguminous crop is grown on the plot where the maize was grown; Yes = 1; Otherwise = 0 |
Constraint in Irrigation |
Whether irrigation is a constraint in non-monsoon months; Yes = 1; Otherwise = 0 |
Spacing R-R |
Spacing between two rows of Maize plant (cm) |
Spacing P-P |
Spacing between two Maize plants within a row (cm) |
Seed type |
Genetic nature of seed used in maize cultivation; Traditional-1; Hybrid-2 |
Seed rate |
Amount of maize seed used in cultivation plot (t ha-1) |
Organic manure |
Amount of organic sources of plant nutrient used in maize cultivation plot (t ha-1) |
Fertilizer |
Amount of inorganic sources of plant nutrient used in maize cultivation plot (Kg ha-1) |
Insecticide |
Amount of active ingredient of plant protection chemicals used in maize cultivation plot (g ha-1) |
Total labour |
Total family and hired labour used for all operations related to maize cultivation (man-hour ha-1) |
The severity of soil problem |
Perceived strength of soil problem; No– 0; Light– 1; Moderate– 2 |
General and Structural variables |
Agro-ecological region |
Bankura District = 1, Malda = 2 |
Distance to input |
Physical distance (km) of farms to farm input market |
Distance to market |
Physical distance (km) of farms to farm output market |
Soil variables |
Principal component scores of the soil wet chemistry data (PC1 and PC2) |
Principal component scores of the soil spectral data (SPC1 and S PC2) |