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. 2019 Nov 29;1:32. doi: 10.1186/s42490-019-0029-5

Table 2.

Summary of tendon injury models

Injured Tendon Characteristics Model Characteristics Model Outcomes References
Overuse injury Downhill running in rats Induced overuse injury in the supraspinatus

Soslowsky 2000 [107]

Archaumbault 2006 [108]

Bipedal downhill running in rats Reduced stiffness and tensile strength; localized disintegration of collagen bundles Ng 2011 [109]
Uphill running in rats Achilles tendons adapted to loading; no observable pathology


2012 [110]

Dirks 2013 [111]

Transection/Acute injury Neonatal and adult mouse Achilles tendons Regeneration observed in neonates, but not adults Howell 2017 [112]
Mouse supraspinatus tendons with full and partial transections Different cell populations involved in healing of full versus partial injury; distinct cell lineages participate in healing response

Moser 2018 [113]

Yoshida 2016 [114]

Rat Achilles tendon partial transection repaired with scaffolds Cells in scaffolds expressed mohawk during repair Otabe 2015 [32]
Mouse Achilles tendon full transections repaired with MSC sheets overexpressing mohawk Mohawk-overexpressing MSC sheets resulted in increased collagen fibril diameter, visible crimp, increased stiffness, elastic modulus, maximum force and stress, and energy absorbed Liu 2015 [31]
Canine digital flexor tendons Following injury, IL-1β upregulated 4000-fold, MMP-13 upregulated 24,000-fold Manning 2014 [115]
IL-1β treatment E15 and P7 mouse tendon cells treated with IL-1β Higher expression of IL-6, TNFα, COX2, MMP-3 and MMP-13 in P7 compared to E15 Li 2019 [116]
Human patellar tendon fibroblasts treated with IL-1β and strain IL-1β and 8% strain upregulated MMP-1, COX2, and PGE2; IL-1β and 4% strain downregulated expression of MMP-1, COX2, and PGE2 compared to 8% strain Yang 2005 [117]
Adult and fetal equine tendon cells, and equine embryonic stem cells treated with IL-1β Adult and fetal tendon cells upregulated MMP-1, −2, −3, −8, −9, and − 13, tenascin-C, Sox9, and downregulated scleraxis and COMP, compared to embryonic stem cells McClellan 2019 [118]
Genetic knockouts Tenomodulin knockout mice with transected and repaired Achilles tendons Downregulation of Col I, tenascin-C, thrombospondin 2, and TGFβ1; upregulation of scleraxis, COMP, and proteoglycan 4 Lin 2017 [119]
GDF-5 knockout mice subjected to Achilles tendon injury Delayed healing and increased adipocytes in knockouts Chhabra 2003 [120]
Decorin-null and biglycan-null mice subjected to full thickness, partial width patellar tendon injury in adult and aged groups Smaller diameter collagen fibrils, decreased cell density, and altered cell shape and collagen alignment in knockouts; biglycan influenced early healing, decorin influenced late healing


2014 [121]

Dunkman 2014 [122]

Chronic Injury/Induced Tendinopathy Transection or Botox-unloading of rat Achilles tendon Irreversible loss of scleraxis expression with transection; partial loss and return of scleraxis with Botox Maeda 2011 [123]
Immediate or delayed repair of rat rotator cuff injury Delayed repair had worse outcomes than immediate repair Killian 2014 [124]
TGFβ1 injection to rat Achilles Warburg pathway, hypoxic, angiogenic, and glycolytic metabolism gene activation Sikes 2018 [125]
Collagenase injection in rat Achilles tendon Increased IL-6 and MMP-9 in senescence-accelerated rats compared to senescence-resistant rats Ueda 2019 [126]
Carrageenan injection in rat patellar tendon; treatment with IL-1 receptor antagonist Carrageenan decreased tendon length, and increased MMP activity and inflammation. Inflammation absent with IL-1 receptor antagonist Berkoff 2016 [127]
Ex vivo Loading Stress deprivation in rat tail tendons Increased MMP-13 expression Arnoczky 2007 [128]
Stress deprivation in rat tail tendons Stress deprivation decreased TIMP/MMP ratio; loading increased TIMP/MMP ratio Gardner 2008 [129]
Fatigue loading of rat flexor digitorum longus tendon loaded at low (6.0–7.0%), moderate (8.5–9.5%), and high (11.0–12.0%) tensile strain Isolated fiber deformations at low strain; fiber dissociation and localized rupture, decreased stiffness, and increased hysteresis at high strain Fung 2009 [130]
Equine flexor and extensor tendon cells subjected to 10% biaxial cyclic loading Collagen synthesis, proliferation, COMP expression as a function of tendon type Goodman 2004 [131]
Equine superficial digital flexor tendon fascicles cyclically loaded from 2–12% uniaxial strain and 1800 cycles Increased expression of IL-6, COX2, C1, C2, and MMP-13 Thorpe 2015 [132]
Bovine deep digital flexor tendons cyclically loaded from 1 to 10% strain Collagen fiber disruption, kinks, and interfascicular network damage, and expression of IL-6, COX2, MMP-1, 3, and 13 Spiesz 2015 [48]
Mouse patellar tendon cells isolated from 3-week old mohawk knockouts and subjected to 4% cyclic tensile loading Increased chondrogenic gene expression (Col II, Aggrecan, COMP) Suzuki 2016 [47]
Computational models Cell- and tissue-level responses to strain simulated via Hill functions Tissue-level response similar at low and high strain conditions Mehdizadeh 2017 [133]
Hill-type equations of human Achilles-soleus unit Proteolytic damage leads to collagen fiber shortening; mechanical damage lengthens fibers Young 2016 [134]
Regression model of healing Multiple differential predictors of early development and early developmental healing; however, no differential predictors of late development and late developmental healing Ansorge 2012 [135]
2D FEA simulation of “jumper’s knee” in Patellar tendon Highest localized strain predicted successfully Lavagnino 2008 [136]
Agent-based model of collagen fibril alignment with applications in tendon loading during healing Peak collagen alignment occurs at lower strain level than peak deposition; peak deposition occurs above damage threshhold Richardson 2018 [137]
Multiscale OpenSim model of cellular responses to various loading parameters Single set of cellular response curves explained tendon behavior observed in several different experiments Chen 2018 [138]
Empirical model of patellar tendon response to aging and injury Effects of aging and injury on patellar tendon mechanical properties predicted by damage models Buckley 2013 [139]
Empirical model of Achilles tendon response to decorin and biglycan knockout in aging mice Model predicted changes in dynamic modulus resulting from decorin and biglycan knockout Gordon 2015 [140]