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. 2020 Jan 21;14:1004. doi: 10.3332/ecancer.2020.1004

Table 2a. Summary of the level of cervical cancer literacy among women in Mayuge-Eastern Uganda.

Cervical cancer literacy domains Frequency
(N = 400)
Cervical Cancer Awareness Limited 362 90.5 36.35(21.22)
Basic 21 5.3
Adequate 17 4.3
Print literacy Limited 310 77.5 51.85(24.13)
Basic 70 17.5
Adequate 20 5.0
Oral literacy Limited 148 37.0 74.40(23.67)
Basic 125 31.3
Adequate 127 31.8
Numeral literacy Limited 394 98.5 27.10(22.39)
Basic 0 0.0
Adequate 6 1.5
Perceived e-HL Limited 361 90.3 23.72(26.96)
Basic 13 3.3
Adequate 26 6.5
Overall Limited 387 96.8 42.68(12.23)
Basic and adequate 13 3.3

Source: The limited level of functional cervical cancer literacy among women in Mayuge rural cancer registry population, Eastern Uganda: a multidimensional mixed method study.

**HL level cut-offs/classification: McCormack et al [9] cut-offs: Adequate = ≥82, Basic = 70–81 and limited = <70 for awareness, oral, print, perceived e-health and Weiss et al [25] cut-offs in the NVS: Adequate = 4–6 correct responses, Basic/low = 2–3 correct responses and Limited = 0–1 correct response. *** The agree and strongly agree and usefull/important and very usefull/important were scored as 1 and the rest as 0 to generate score for e-health.