Table 2b. Cervical cancer literacy assessment scorecard items.
HL domains assessed: | Score (%) | HL level cutoffs: McCormack et al [9] and Weiss et al [25] See footnote |
Domain1: cervical cancer awareness (Prior knowledge): 1 = Correct response, 0 = Incorrect response | ||
What cancer is? | 25.5 | |
What cervical cancer is? | 40.5 | |
Risk factors of cervical cancer? | 26.3 | |
Diseases and conditions that increase risk of developing cervical cancer? | 27.8 | |
How HPV is transmitted? | 33.8 | |
How to detect cervical cancer early? | 37.5 | |
Purpose of a biopsy? | 18 | |
Meaning of cervical cancer stages? | 32.3 | |
Meaning of cervical cancer meta stasis? | 33.8 | |
Whether early defected cervical cancer can be cured? | 66 | |
Purpose of palliative care? | 59.3 | |
Domain1: cervical cancer Awareness average score (%) | 36.4 | Limited literacy |
Domain2: cervical cancer oral literacy (Listening with comprehension): 1 = Correct response, 0 = Incorrect response | ||
What was this audio message about? | 78.8 | |
What have you learnt from this audio message? | 71.6 | |
Recommended age for cervical cancer screening? | 74.3 | |
How cervical cancer can be prevented? | 73.5 | |
The benefit of early detection? | 72.0 | |
Cervical cancer oral literacy average score (%) | 74.4 | Basic literacy |
Domain3: cervical cancer print literacy (Reading with comprehension 1 = Correct response, 0 = Incorrect response | ||
What was this message about? | 51.8 | |
What have you learnt from this message? | 50.2 | |
What cervical cancer is? | 51.0 | |
How is HPV transmitted? | 55.5 | |
What are the ways of reducing the risk of developing cervical cancer? | 51.8 | |
Domain3: cervical cancer print literacy average score (%) | 51.8 | Limited literacy |
Domain4: cervical cancer numeral literacy score (Comprehension of numerical information in health messages): 1 = Correct response, 0 = Incorrect response | ||
Number of times a woman not living with HIV will screen for cervical cancer in a period of 10 years? |
30.0 | |
Number of times a woman living with HIV will screen for cervical cancer in a period of 10 years? |
30.0 | |
When to seek the next cervical cancer screening after testing negative today when living with HIV? | 22.5 | |
What 5-year survival rate for cervical cancer means? | 22.0 | |
Number of times a cervical cancer patient will receive radiation treatment when advised to receive the treatment five times per week from Monday to Friday in 4 weeks? | 35.3 | |
Whether 90% of smokers will develop cervical cancer? | 21.0 | |
Cervical cancer numeral literacy average score (%) | 27.1 | Limited literacy |
Domain5: cervical cancer perceived e-HL score (Perceived interest and ability to benefit from mobile phone health message platform). In first two questions: 1 = Not useful/important at all, 2 = Not useful/important, 3 = Unsure, 4 = Useful/important, 5 = Very useful/important. In the rest of questions: 1 = Strongly disagree, 2 = Disagree, 3 = Undecided, 4 = Agree, 5 = Strongly agree. | ||
How useful phone can help on making health decision? | 59.3 | |
How important to access health information on a phone? | 53.3 | |
I know what health resources can be accessed on phone? | 12.0 | |
I know where to find health resources on a phone? | 13.5 | |
I know how to find health information on a phone? | 12.8 | |
I know how to use the phone to answer my question on health? | 17.2 | |
I know how to use the health information I find on the phone? | 14.3 | |
I have the skills I need to evaluate the health information I find on the phone? | 15.7 | |
I can tell high quality health information from low quality health information? | 19.5 | |
I feel confident in using health information from phone or internet to make health decisions? | 15.8 | |
Domain5: cervical cancer perceived e-HL score (%) | 23.7 | Limited literacy |
Overall cervical cancer HL level (Average of five domains) | 42.6 | Limited literacy |
Source: primary data
**HL level cut-offs/classification: McCormack et al [9] cut-offs: Adequate = ≥82, Basic =70–81 and limited = <70 for awareness, oral, print, perceived e-health and Weiss et al [25] cut-offs in the NVS for numeracy: Adequate = 4–6 correct responses, Basic/low = 2–3 correct responses and Limited = 0–1 correct response. ***The statement agrees and strongly agrees and useful/important and very useful/important were scored as 1 and the rest as 0 to generate score for perceived e-health.