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. 2020 Jan 21;14:1004. doi: 10.3332/ecancer.2020.1004

Table 2b. Cervical cancer literacy assessment scorecard items.

HL domains assessed: Score (%) HL level cutoffs: McCormack et al [9] and Weiss et al [25] See footnote
Domain1: cervical cancer awareness (Prior knowledge): 1 = Correct response, 0 = Incorrect response
What cancer is? 25.5
What cervical cancer is? 40.5
Risk factors of cervical cancer? 26.3
Diseases and conditions that increase risk of developing cervical cancer? 27.8
How HPV is transmitted? 33.8
How to detect cervical cancer early? 37.5
Purpose of a biopsy? 18
Meaning of cervical cancer stages? 32.3
Meaning of cervical cancer meta stasis? 33.8
Whether early defected cervical cancer can be cured? 66
Purpose of palliative care? 59.3
Domain1: cervical cancer Awareness average score (%) 36.4 Limited literacy
Domain2: cervical cancer oral literacy (Listening with comprehension): 1 = Correct response, 0 = Incorrect response
What was this audio message about? 78.8
What have you learnt from this audio message? 71.6
Recommended age for cervical cancer screening? 74.3
How cervical cancer can be prevented? 73.5
The benefit of early detection? 72.0
Cervical cancer oral literacy average score (%) 74.4 Basic literacy
Domain3: cervical cancer print literacy (Reading with comprehension 1 = Correct response, 0 = Incorrect response
What was this message about? 51.8
What have you learnt from this message? 50.2
What cervical cancer is? 51.0
How is HPV transmitted? 55.5
What are the ways of reducing the risk of developing cervical cancer? 51.8
Domain3: cervical cancer print literacy average score (%) 51.8 Limited literacy
Domain4: cervical cancer numeral literacy score (Comprehension of numerical information in health messages): 1 = Correct response,
0 = Incorrect response
Number of times a woman not living with HIV will screen for cervical cancer in a period of
10 years?
Number of times a woman living with HIV will screen for cervical cancer in a period of
10 years?
When to seek the next cervical cancer screening after testing negative today when living with HIV? 22.5
What 5-year survival rate for cervical cancer means? 22.0
Number of times a cervical cancer patient will receive radiation treatment when advised to receive the treatment five times per week from Monday to Friday in 4 weeks? 35.3
Whether 90% of smokers will develop cervical cancer? 21.0
Cervical cancer numeral literacy average score (%) 27.1 Limited literacy
Domain5: cervical cancer perceived e-HL score (Perceived interest and ability to benefit from mobile phone health message platform).
In first two questions: 1 = Not useful/important at all, 2 = Not useful/important, 3 = Unsure, 4 = Useful/important, 5 = Very useful/important.
In the rest of questions: 1 = Strongly disagree, 2 = Disagree, 3 = Undecided, 4 = Agree, 5 = Strongly agree.
How useful phone can help on making health decision? 59.3
How important to access health information on a phone? 53.3
I know what health resources can be accessed on phone? 12.0
I know where to find health resources on a phone? 13.5
I know how to find health information on a phone? 12.8
I know how to use the phone to answer my question on health? 17.2
I know how to use the health information I find on the phone? 14.3
I have the skills I need to evaluate the health information I find on the phone? 15.7
I can tell high quality health information from low quality health information? 19.5
I feel confident in using health information from phone or internet to make health decisions? 15.8
Domain5: cervical cancer perceived e-HL score (%) 23.7 Limited literacy
Overall cervical cancer HL level (Average of five domains) 42.6 Limited literacy

Source: primary data

**HL level cut-offs/classification: McCormack et al [9] cut-offs: Adequate = ≥82, Basic =70–81 and limited = <70 for awareness, oral, print, perceived e-health and Weiss et al [25] cut-offs in the NVS for numeracy: Adequate = 4–6 correct responses, Basic/low = 2–3 correct responses and Limited = 0–1 correct response. ***The statement agrees and strongly agrees and useful/important and very useful/important were scored as 1 and the rest as 0 to generate score for perceived e-health.