A. Axial T2-weighted image and (B) axial contrast-enhanced T1-weighted image show marked bowel wall thickening and luminal stenosis with hyper-enhancement at terminal ileum (arrows). C–E. Axial MT imaging without (C) and with (D) MT pulse as well as pseudo-color MTR map <(E) indicate that MT effect of terminal ileum (arrows; ROIs, 1–3; MTR, 44.2%; yellow-blue) is higher than that of normal small intestinal wall (hollow arrows; ROIs, 4–6; MTR, 26.0%; dark blue) and close to that of skeletal muscles (arrowheads; ROIs, 7–9; MTR, 52.0%; yellow). Averages of standardized MTR and normalized MTR of involved bowel wall are 0.70 and 0.85, respectively. F. Gross specimen from surgical excision demonstrates marked thickening of bowel wall with obvious luminal stenosis (arrows). G. Masson's trichrome staining (magnification: × 20) displays severe intestinal fibrosis (arrow; blue area) with fibrosis score of 3. MT = magnetization transfer, ROI = region of interest